Cute Christmas Crochet

Cute Christmas Crochet

Cute Christmas Crochet

This is a post from this time last year, linking up to #TinselTuesdays and #FestiveFridays

I have been uncharacteristically organised for Christmas this year, not sure why but we have been saving in advance (very unusual) and it’s not even December yet and we have bought 99% of our resents for people (unheard of, and bonkers :)) . I’ve obviously just been  in a very Christmassy mood!

Anyway, after the mammoth task that was the Granny Square blanket, I felt that I needed to have a bit of fun with my crochet again, as I know what I can be like for giving up on things! I really enjoyed making some of the cute animals in the spring so thought I should do more of that type of crochet. The kind of crochet where I get quicker results and a feeling of accomplishment. I think I am too impatient for the longer projects at the moment as I just don’t have much time to commit to them.

So the two things combined led to me making some really cute Christmassy crochet animals!

The first is a Penguin, you can find the pattern here. You may have to register to be able to see the pattern but it’s free and no obligations etc. required. Anyway, mine didn’t turn out quite as cute as the picture, so I was slightly disappointed, but everyone else thinks it’s cute, and Monkey loves it so I’m not too disappointed!



I used some sparkly wool that I was given as a gift to make him feel extra wintery.

I am reeeeally pleased with the reindeer. You can find the pattern for him here. It’s the same website as the penguin so again you have to register. He turned out just as cute as the pic so I am dead chuffed with him 🙂

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What is getting you in the Christmas Mood at the moment?