Autumn Walk and Leaf Painting

Friday morning, to give me a bit of a break, Daddy took Little Miss to the office with him for a couple of hours in between feeds. At that time of day she is happiest snoozing in the baby carrier so Daddy has become quite the baby wearer! It felt a little weird for her to be away from me for so long but what was really lovely was that I got to have some good quality time one on one with Monkey. Daddy has spent most of his paternity leave focussing on Monkey and they have got even closer lately and while Monkey has seemed ok with me being with the baby most of the time, I have wanted to get back to doing some nice things with him.

So we went for a short walk (just over 2 weeks post c-section I am doing pretty well but really can’t go too far, so we just walked around the block) dressed in waterproofs looking for some puddles to jump in. Monkey loves “jumping in muddy puddles” and I wish I could capture him on video saying that phrase as he says it in such a singsong voice with only some of the syllables, sort of “ju i mu-ee puwuhs.” We also decided we would go on a hunt for some nice leaves and Monkey was hoping for Conkers, but sadly there aren’t any horse chestnuts that close to our house (not sure there would be any left now either!).

It was nice to get some fresh air and to see Monkey enjoying himself jumping in puddles. He is so cute and he can’t quite jump yet but he tries so hard bless him!


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and collecting leaves, and one or two sticks that apparently resemble “stick man.” Unfortunately my phone messed up and I don;t have any pictures of collecting leaves and sticks 🙁


He would have carried on longer but I didn’t want to overdo it (I can’t wait till I am fully recovered but know I need to take it a day at a time!) so I tempted him home with the promise of painting – one of his favourite activites.

We did a bit of leaf kicking on the walk back too 🙂

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At home we got the paints out and although initially he didn’t want to paint his leaves, when I started to paint on one, of course it was “my turn, my turn, my turn!” and he soon got involved.


I then randomly painted a smily face on a leaf and that was it, a new game was born. Painting two eyes and a smily face on each leaf and we suddenly had lots of Mummy & Daddy  leaves :).

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Lots of Autumn fun for Mummy and Monkey and Little Miss was good as gold for Daddy at the office!
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwalltheordinarymomentsbadge

Mini Creations

35 thoughts on “Autumn Walk and Leaf Painting

  1. hi from Weekend Blog Hop! I need to try this with my 2 year old. He is loving the fall leaves and is constantly asking to paint. We are actually out of paper so this might be a good alternative 🙂

  2. I love how this walk evolved. Those skies look like ours the last week, constantly moving from pouring to sunshine. The painting on the leaves is a great idea and great to see you taking things easy but still getting out. Thanks for sharing with me on Country Kids.

  3. Aww that looks like so much fun! We have a whole load of family leaves courtesy of some glitter glue at the moment, and if think the girls definitely have plans for more!

  4. So wonderful that you got to have some special time just you and your gorgeous little monkey!!! He really is such a cutie!!
    And nice for daddy and his little lady to have some 1 on 1 time too, even if she was mostly snoozing! Xx

  5. How did I miss that? Congratulations, Caroline! How exciting, a little sister for Monkey 🙂 Your husband is so hands-on, bless him. Monkey looks like he’s having a great time alone with mummy. x #MagicMoments

  6. Great photos! The one with your son’s back to the camera and the bridge just over the horizon is my favorite. It’s great for you to be able to venture out after your C-section! I remember feeling so cooped up after my daughter was born because I wasn’t recovery as quickly as I should. I wish for your resilience for my next one!

  7. Aww nothing beats an autumn walk and having a kick in the leaves. 2 weeks post c-section I was barely hobbling up and down the stairs, you’re doing so well x #letkidsbekids

  8. The weather looks great, it must have felt good to go out for a walk! Your leaf painting activity must have been fun, I’m sure my toddler would love it too. Hope you are recovering well x #letkidsbekids

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