#MaternityMondays coming soon!


I have teamed up with the lovely Emma from Farmer’s Wife & Mummy to host a new, weekly linky called #MaternityMondays.

It is really for anyone expecting a baby, on maternity leave or weaving their way through this mine field of parenting.

Emma and I have been friends on Twitter for a while now and our children are a similar age.

Emma is Mummy to the nearly four year old Boo and has a second baby due sometime in January. She blogs about their life on the farm with a pre-schooler and being pregnant with a much longed for second child.

I (Caroline) am Mummy to 2 1/2 year old Monkey and a two month old Little Miss. Blogging about life muddling through trying to be a SAHM and juggling the needs of a toddler and a baby.

So now it is over to you. The first #MaternityMondays will begin this Monday-January 5th and we will both promote your posts on Twitter so make sure you’re following us. I am @BecomingaSAHM and Emma is @Emma Lander2.

So grab our badge and hopefully we will see you this Monday for our first EVER #MaternityMondays. We can’t wait to hear all about your blogs and your babies.


5 thoughts on “#MaternityMondays coming soon!

Thanks for taking the time to write something. I love comments and read every one xx

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