A Blank Page #TheThemeGame

The Theme for this week’s The Theme Game by The Reading Residence and Redpeffer is ‘White’.

I thought of lots of things for White – Snowdrops, White walls, Weddings and then I thought of a fresh White Page (or screen in terms of internet blogging). It made me think of sitting down with my laptop, staring at the white page and working out what to write. As a kid I used to write stories all the time and there was something really exciting about starting with a blank page. Looking at it at wondering where it would take you – what adventure it would lead you on. Sadly my imagination isn’t quite what it used to be!

blank page screenshot

I’ve thought about writing stories again like I did as a kid, but somehow never know what to write. It’s not because I don’t have any ideas – I sometimes feel like I have so many ideas that they are spilling out of my brain. The ideas come at inopportune moments and then seem to drift out again and I can’t remember what was so exciting about that idea or what the plot was going to be. When it comes to my blog I have so many drafts of posts with just a headline or an idea hastily typed in to be filled out and written properly at a later date… but many of them never get that far.

drafts list

Time is one reason. Being a SAHM I only have so much time I can dedicate to writing my blog, and even then I sometimes feel guilty for using that time for blogging when there is so much else that needs doing. Since branching out with my blog at the beginning of the year I have discovered a wonderful blogging community and so many wonderful linkys and blog-hops to join in with, with some wonderful themes and ideas behind them and I love to join in as much as I can. But sometimes I have to stop myself – because I don’t have to time to write that many posts in a week.

I also have to think about relevance. I started this blog as a way of charting my journey through motherhood – and particularly coming to terms with becoming a SAHM. So it’s about the day to day life as a SAHM, food, playing, me-time, housework, crafts etc. Of course this is quite a wide arena anyway but sometimes the things I want to write about just don’t feel relevant to the original focus of this blog. But does it matter?


Maybe I use relevance as a way of managing the fact that I don’t have enough time to write everything that I want to. Because I don’t have time to write everything, I want to try and aim for the posts I do write to be relevant to my original aims – and let’s face it – relevant to the lovely readers of my blog. Because it’s not all about me. I try not to worry too much about my page views but I love to see that people are reading, and I love it even more when people comment as I feel that then they must have connected to my post in some way. Which I guess is what it is all about.

Quality rather than quantity maybe?

So I will try and get some of those draft posts finished… but others I think will stay as they are – just drafts! Ideas not quite fully formed.

How does a blank page make you feel? Do you have lots of ideas? Or do you struggle to find inspiration for what to write?

The Reading Residence

19 thoughts on “A Blank Page #TheThemeGame

  1. I’m rather like you-I have many ideas much of the time. I tend to jot them down in a book and find I return to the ones that really appeal or ‘stick’. I often cone up with ideas walking to school or whilst doing the housework! I think your blog grows as you change too so a certain amount of flexibility is good I think 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughts for #TheThemeGame

    • Yep, doing the housework, in the shower or even lying in bed trying to sleep are when I get some great ideas! Hmm yeah I can see that, mine has already changed a lot in the last year. Thank you 🙂 xx

  2. I have lots of posts in my drafts and I have a long list of ideas in the Notes section on my phone, too. I started this blog without the clear direction you have, as it’s just a space for me to share whatever I fancy sharing, which helps, but then means I’m kind of limitless which is a danger as I haven’t the time to write everything and join in with everything I’d like! So, I do know where you’re coming from here, with that blank page and it’s endless possibilities, but without endless time to go with it! Thanks for joining in with #TheThemeGame x

    • Hmm it’s a tricky balance finding the time to write everything you want to write isn’t it? I think that’s why I have imposed some restrictions on myself! Good to know I’m not the only one with lots of drafts and ideas! 🙂 xx

    • I suppose it’s better than no idea what to write! Just frustrating sometimes to just not have the time to do everything you want to do! 🙂 xx

  3. This is exactly how I feel. I’m very new and I have become a bit engrossed and have now had to decided to try and limit my time. You can lose yourself for hours and hours can’t you! #thethemegame xxx

    • I’m glad it’s not just me! You really can, it borders on being an obsession and I was working out all the linkys I’m joining in with at the moment and it is a bit crazy! Need to try and balance blogging with real life! 🙂 xx

  4. I think we can all relate to so much of this! I have so many ideas too but have to be really strict with myself about not letting posts stay as drafts. Otherwise I’d have too many mounting up! So, they get published or they get deleted! X

    • Oh I like the hard line – mine are mounting up… I think I am in denial or something and am trying to believe that I will write the posts one day! 🙂 xx

  5. I absolutely love a blank page. I thrive on a blank page and just love the feeling of the ideas coming flowing. From time to time, a blank page might freak me out a bit but then I love the thrill of it and ultimately, that’s part of the reason I love to challenge myself to write generally, including blogs. As for writing relevant posts – yes it helps but every now and again I think it’s nice to go on a ‘random’ and just go for it. You have your lovely readers (including me 😉 ) but remember that your blog is your blog, it’s for you, to express yourself, to document. You can do what you like with it! #TheThemeGame

  6. Oooh I can relate to this! In fact I have just written a load of headlines with short notes in draft today, to return to at a later date.

    Also, although I’m not a SAHM I do struggle to find time to do everything I want to do (and I have two blogs!) – joining memes, twitter parties, virtual mic nights… A lot of these I miss out on as my part-time job is pretty full-on and like you, I sometimes feel guilty for using my ‘free’ (ha!) time on my SAHM days (as I like to call them) to blog… But I just do what I can and I absolutely believe in quality over quantity (I rarely post more than once a week, and sometimes less)!

    • Wow, you have 2 blogs a job and SAHM days? I’m a little in awe of you! 🙂 I’m definitely thinking quality over quantity is the right way to go, joining in with things where I can I guess! Glad to know I’m not the only one with a list of headlines to come back to! 🙂 xx

  7. I’m with you too on trying to figure out where to make the boundaries – sometimes I definitely feel like my blogging life is encroaching on my real life and I need to pull back – and my blog is nowhere near as ambitious as some of those I read written by mothers of children similar ages! I also tend to find that I write what I want to write – what interests me, and sometimes that doesn’t always have to do with my children which obviously feels slightly ‘off topic’ and I’m conscious of putting off the core audience, but at the same time I really hope that there are some kindred souls out there who can appreciate my thought process on those occasions! X

    • Oh god, me too! I don’t know how so many mummies do it! 🙂 I think you’ve got the right attitude about writing what you want to write. I’m trying to worry less and just do my thing – hopefully some people will enjoy reading… but if not at least I’ll have enjoyed writing it! xx

  8. Please do the ‘me time for mums’ post- I think I need that one!
    I love writing but I have to be quite disciplined to fit it – that’s why I love Linkys as it motivates me to do somethings for a specific day

  9. Pingback: The Theme Game Week 6

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