The only word I can think up to sum up this week is “baby!” Because, since our scan on Tuesday, the fact that we are having another baby has suddenly become more real. Whether it is because we know “it” is in fact a “she,” or because we know that she is growing well in there I’m not sure, but she has now become a reality.
It’s suddenly dawned on me that we are in no way ready for another baby! I know we have a while to go yet and so I am not overly stressed or panicky, but I am suddenly feeling that we aren’t ready, and I so hate being unprepared for things. Complete control freak! I know I’ve been thinking about things like whether to get a new buggy, but that’s as far as we’ve got, thinking. My lovely physio (who is also pregnant, and due a week or 2 before I am) was asking me last week if we had everything and if we were ready, and I was so blasé and said we were pretty sorted, when we really aren’t!
Maybe it’s because we’ve been through it before and we have a lot of the big things that we will need, but I was definitely in a bit of denial! The room which will be our baby girl’s room is currently a junk room! I sorted some stuff in there not too long ago so it isn’t as bad as it was, but it is by no means organised, it hasn’t even got any flooring and really needs redecorating!
Yes, I did just say it is not as bad as it was….. Honestly the act of taking these photos and uploading them on here makes me feel ever so slightly ashamed of the mess in there. This room has been filled, cleared, cleaned, re-filled so many times. What are we going to do when it has an occupant? Keep more junk in the garage or elsewhere in the house I suppose! 🙂
So I have started looking at ideas for how to decorate. I don’t want to go overly pink or too girly, but I don’t see anything wrong with a bit of girliness 🙂 so I have started a pinterest board with some room ideas. I do love pinterest for gathering together ideas in one place. Hopefully this will help me work through the muddle in my brain and decide how we’d like the room to look!
In the meantime I am trying not to panic buy or go overboard. We still have plenty of time and I am going to put all of my energy into getting organised gradually and calmly (hopefully!! :)) and I am going to join in with #getgoodsummer over at Clarina’s Contemplations to hopefully keep me on track with this!
The other reason that baby is a suitable word for the week, is because our little Monkey is no longer a baby. This week saw us visit what will become his playgroup when he turns 2 1/2 in November. It is a lovely place and only round the corner from us so it is perfect. The staff there were wonderful and he was having a whale of a time when we went to visit. There are a couple of children he has met at other groups who will also be starting over the next year, which should help, and then they will ideally all go on to start school together.
I#ve known this would come for a long time as we’ve long hoped that he would get a place there…. yet now that it is coming up so fast it feels too soon! He’s still me baby and even though he will only be going for a couple of hours, a couple of days a week, I think I’m going to miss him! Does that sound daft to anyone else? Or just to me! hehe The main thing is that it will be good for him. I know that and I am sure that I will get used to it, especially with a new baby to look after too!
The timings will be a little strange as the baby is due at the beginning of November and then he can start as soon as he is 2 1/2, on the 21st November. We obviously don’t want him to feel that he is being pushed out once the baby has arrived though so we will see how he is coping and may defer him starting until he is more used to having baby around. I have no idea what will be the best way to go and we will have to wing it a bit I think. If anyone has any pearls of wisdom about this, please share them with me!
Getting ready for Lowen happened at about 37 weeks… I cannot offer you any advice in getting it done sooner I’m afraid!
Lol, better late than never I suppose! 🙂 xx
Eek – a girl!!! Amazing, one of each will be lovely! Lovely lovely lovely. 🙂
No pearls of wisdom from me, but I’m sure you can work your magic on that room – and monkey will surprise you with how ready he is for play school, I’m sure! 🙂
Best of luck with it all
Xx. #PoCoLo
Thank you, I know I am so chuffed, we are very lucky! Aww thank you, fingers crossed you are right! 🙂 xx
Lots to do and think about lovely, but you’ve got plenty of time and will be absolutely fine. Huge hugs 🙂 #WotW
thank you! 🙂 xx
Am sure you will be fine – I didn’t really start thinking properly about getting things ready for my second until about thirty weeks. Doesn’t sound daft at all that you’re going to miss Monkey when he starts playgroup – my eldest is due to start in January and whilst it will be nice to have the one-to-one time with my youngest, I know I will still miss her sister whilst she is in preschool. Good luck with getting everything ready for your new baby and congratulations!
Thank you, I’m sure I’ll get it sorted, I just can’t believe I’ve been in so much denial about what we needed to get done! Good to get organised though 🙂 Aww thanks, I know some mummies who can’t wait for them to start but I know I will def miss him! 🙂 xx
How exciting! I remember all these feelings too. My son was born in mid November and my daughter had only started Reception in the September before. We made a big thing of her being able to make her new ‘big girl’ bedroom special to help with the transition as we wanted her to feel she had a space that was hers. Might be an idea for Monkey?
Hmm that does sound good, anything that makes him feel special and not pushed out I think! Thanks lovely 🙂 xx
Aww, it’s the best having one of each. My baby girl had moved into my son’s old room which had a pale blue wall and we have found the loveliest cot bedding and mobile called vintage love and kisses which is pale pink and blue. its so gorgeous and we didnt need to decorate at all to make it girlie! x
Aww that does sound lovely! Hmm another idea for me to think about 🙂 xx
You’ve plenty of time still, though I’m sure you’ll feel load better once you’ve got that room sorted.
Little Man was born in the Sep that Boo was due to start at nursery, so we deferred her starting until the January. It was much better that way as it meant I didn’t have to rush to be anywhere at certain times with a newborn, and she had time to play and bond with him without feeling pushed out. Seemed to go well here!
Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
I think i will, I think it’s just because I can’t physically do anything in that room yet, we need someone to help the hubs move all the big and heavy stuff out. I want to crack on but can’t so feel a bit impatient as I want to get started! Yeah, see that sounds very sensible to me and I think we may do the same. they’ve been really good about it and said we won’t lose our place if we defer it for a little while, so it may be the way to go. We will see how we feel nearer the time though I think! xx
I think that is why pregnancy is 9 months, so you have time to prepare 🙂 How exciting and congratulations! Thanks for linking! #PoCoLo
Lol, and thank goodness it is! 🙂 thanks xx
Aww! What a great word! So exciting!
thanks! 🙂 xx
It all sounds so exciting for you all 🙂 So much happening in November right before xmas! #WotW
Thanks, I know, it is going to be a busy old time! 🙂 xx
We have a room thats suppose to be for my son but we cant afford to heat 2 rooms on winter so my son is staying with us. Now that room is called messy room as it became a storage. I am trying to clear it up but it just wont let me =P
Sorry that I dont have any tips and congrats again for having a baby girl =) #wotw
i can understand that, it can be so expensive, I’ve just been trying to get our bills cheaper! Lol I think our room is like that, it doesn’t want to be organised! ;p xx
Oh wow a Little Girl :-)))
All very exciting n hopefully you’ll get organised… I’m still not and my youngest is now 7… Ekkk X
Lol! Thanks and I can understand that, kids and organisation don’t mix very well! xx
Good luck with clearing and decorating that room – I think the motivation for doing it should be enough!
I don’t really have any advice, but we made the decision for Bunny to go to a childminder one morning a week when I was pregnant to get her used to the idea of time away from us without it being overwhelming. In fact, when I had the baby she didn’t really want to stop going she loved it so much. I think kids surprise you – sell it as a special treat for him as he’s such a big boy maybe?
Thank you, I hope so! Oh that is interesting and a nice idea and you are totally right about kids surprising us, i always over worry about these things and then he turns out to be fine when we come to it! xx