Bug Hunting

Last weekend Monkey’s Auntie Ericha and Uncle Paul popped over with a surprise for Monkey – his very own magnifying glass and bug pot! I had thought about getting Monkey a magnifying glass for a while for our nature hunts, but hadn’t got round to it. I hadn’t thought about getting a bug pot though and it is fantastic, both went down a treat!

After showing Monkey how it all works the intrepid explorers headed out into the wild (of the back garden) to go bug hunting!


They found a centipede, tiny snails, woodlice and a wiggly worm to inspect in the bug pot.

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It’s great because both hubs and I are a bit wimpy with bugs (especially spiders, I have a really irrational phobia as I am sure many people do) but we really don’t want to show Monkey our fears and make him scared of them too. So whenever he is around I have to stamp down my fears as much as possible. For example there was a HUGE moth flying around the conservatory the other day while we were in there and I was trying to let it out but it kept flying at me. I hate when things fly at me but was trying to keep calm and laugh it off in front of monkey, but when it flew at him it really freaked him out bless him!

Anyway, I digress, the point is that by encouraging Monkey to look at bugs without being scared, hopefully we can avoid passing our fears on to him. After bug hunting they “gently” put the bugs back where they live.


Monkey had so much fun bug hunting so we will have to do it again, and the magnifying glass is a huge hit as he is inspecting everything with it bless him! Including a story at bedtime 🙂

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Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


26 thoughts on “Bug Hunting

  1. Im a wimp when it comes to bugs too but Monkey looks like he’s having a fantastic time! Just make sure he doesn’t bring any of his discoveries into the house…..My girl has before….She had stashed them in her coat pocket! Eww! x

  2. Love the photos of Monkey with the magnifying glass and sounds like he enjoyed bug hunting. I am not keen on creepy-crawlies either but like you am trying really hard not to show it in front of the children to try and avoid passing my fears on to them.

  3. Ahh that’s great! I am totally the same as you with bugs and also am desperate not to pass this silly fear on. I will definitely look at getting something like this for Arthur, looks like lots of fun!!

  4. Bug pots are great. The boy got a set for Christmas and recently we removed a spider from the bath in it. The spider crawled under the seal in the lid so was unseen, the boy thought dad had put the spider outside, I told him it IS in the pot, boy opens lid…huge screams!! Hee hee! They are a great way to explore. Love your pics 🙂

  5. We used to LOVE bug hunting! Seb was given a bug sucking device from ELC and it was awesome so he’d delight in taking it out with us on any outdoors adventure. It’s such a fun and inexpensive way to spend time with them! xxx

  6. I am not a particular big bug fan either so totally get where you are coming from, magnifying glass is on the birthday list for my daughter, it’s amazing how in to them children are being able to see everything in detail. Looks like he had lots of fun and what a fab aunty and uncle for bringing them round 🙂 #countrykids

  7. How cute, it’s great that Monkey was excited to get outside and learn all about the different bugs he could find. He looks like he’s having a fabulous time exploring the back garden and looking at bugs in the bug pot. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.

  8. What a great acivitiy. I’ve a love of bugs and all things creepy crawly and can’t wait for L to be big enough to investigate with me but it’s so great you’re being brave for Monkey, it’s not easy is it?

    Enjoy the magnifying glass adventures!


  9. I love a good bug hunt, magnifying glasses are such a simple but great tool for children, my grandpa gave T one and he absolutely loves it!

    Thanks so much for joining #toddlerapprovedtuesday

  10. My son has recently started showing an interest in bugs and the like! Unfortunately he tries to squash them. Hopefully taking on your tips will help him to learn about them more so he’ll become fascinated to watch them rather than squash them! #letkidsbekids

  11. My kids love going bug hunting but i do fear for the poor little bugs sometime as they can be a little over enthusiastic with them. Now my boys are getting a bit bigger i like to give them a clipboard each with a list of things to find as well. #letkidsbekids

  12. Looks like a great Monday activity, I’m not a massive bug fan but look forward to introducing my little one to the great outdoors xx #TodderApprovedTuesday

  13. My two love bug hunting too but we don’t have any of the kit, it is on my to do list! I also hate spiders but Little 1 isn’t bothered by smaller ones so she will pick them up, i try hard not to run away and go ‘arrrrgggghhhh’ as I don’t want her t be afraid too! Looks like Monkey had a great time. #letkidsbekids

  14. Bugs are so gross but I really try not to let it show when my Little ones bring me something yucky and alive from the garden!! This is definitely on my to do list for the warmer months thank you #ToddlerApprovedTuesday

  15. Ohh we don’t have magnifying glasses. Will have to get some for the monsters. I know they will love them!

    Thanks for linking up to #ToddlerApprovedTuesday hope to see you next week.

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