#MaternityMondays week 6

Welcome to #MaternityMondays week 6! Thanks so much to everyone linking up, we so love reading all of your posts.

It’s Emma’s turn to host this week over at Farmer’s Wife and Mummy. You can still add your link here too but she will be doing the rounds, commenting and sharing all of your posts this week.

We had so many fab posts last week, I loved reading them all! I particularly enjoyed reading about choosing names over at Loving Life with Little Ones as I find name choices tricky but fascinating!

I think most mums can relate to Mummy and Monkeys’ fab post about sleep deprivation! It does make us do daft things!

Finally Little Hearts Big Love brought tears to my eyes raising awareness for CHD and I was amazed to read how many don’t get picked up on scans!

This week I am sharing a post about my little Monkey and how well he has settled in to playgroup as we are so so proud of how well he is doing!

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

The linky is open Mondays only from 6.30am to midnight.

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @EmmaLander2 and @BecomingaSAHM


#MaternityMondays week 5

Well here we are, week five of #MaternityMondays! Our little community is really growing, thank you so much to everyone for linking up, we really appreciate it and we love reading your posts!

I have really enjoyed reading about plans for second ceasareans, and particularly hopes for gentle ceasareans from Kate at Family Fever, Belle du Brighton and Another Bun. Having had two c-sections I can really relate and I think it is lovely to read that C-sections don’t have to feel like the worst case scenario and that they can in fact be very positive experiences for mum and baby.

Speaking of which, I am hosting again this week as my lovely co-host Emma has had her little baby boy! They welcomed their little man George on Wednesday and you can read more about him and see some cutie pics of the gorgeous little lad here.

My week has been nowhere near as exciting but has been an interesting one. With a troublesome toddler and teething baby I am certainly being kept busy but I also managed to have some me-time this weekend on a hen do for one of my closest friends which was really very lovely.

This week I am sharing a post of our cutie toddler and some of the things he says at the moment as watching him grow really makes me so proud to be his Mummy :).

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting. It is my turn to host this week and I am really looking forward to reading your posts!

The linky is open Mondays only from 6.30am to midnight.

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @EmmaLander2 and @BecomingaSAHM


#MaternityMondays week 4

Well here we are, week four of #MaternityMondays! Thank you so much to everyone for linking up, we really appreciate it and we love reading your posts!

It’s been a bit of an up and down week this last week as I was feeling very tired and low to start with but things have improved a lot and I am feeling much more positive and like myself again. This week LM turned 3 months so I am sharing my post about what she is up to at the moment and some gorgeous smily pics of her 🙂

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting. It is my turn to host this week and I am really looking forward to reading your posts!

The linky is open Mondays only from 6.30am to midnight.

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @EmmaLander2 and @BecomingaSAHM


#MaternityMondays week 3

Well here we are, week three of #MaternityMondays! Thank you so much to everyone for linking up, we really appreciate it and we love reading your posts!

There were some brilliant posts last week and it is hard to choose favourites but I loved Our Little Escapade’s post about Ethan saying Mummy, such a precious Mummy moment and all the more special having had to wait so long to hear it.

Little Hearts, Big Love shared the most beautiful home birth story. I think she was really brave having a home birth but it really sounds like a wonderful experience and I have to admit to being a little envious of the water birth.

I also really loved What Maternity leave has given me, from Mum in a Nutshell. A beautiful post about how starting her blog on maternity leave has helped rebuild her confidence. It is a post I am sure many blogger mummies will be able to relate to and is well worth a read!

This last week has been a tough one for me. Monkey’s first days at playgroup have been challenging, and he has been getting more and more upset each time. We have potentially turned a corner now and he seems to have started enjoying it, and I just really hope this progress continues as it has been difficult to see him so unhappy.

I have also been massively hormonal. I stopped breastfeeding about a month ago and have been hit with a huge change in terms of hormones. My hair has started shedding, as it does post pregnancy, which is horrible and leaves my hair feeling like a bird’s nest. I have been having mood swings and been quite low at times, especially in the run up to my first post-pregnancy monthly visitor and re-starting to take the pill. So yes it’s been an emotional week really! I am linking up a post about why we decided to move on from breastfeeding when we did.

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting. It is my turn to host this week and I am really looking forward to reading your posts!

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @EmmaLander2 and @BecomingaSAHM


#MaternityMondays Week 2

Welcome back to #MaternityMondays! Hosted by myself and Emma over at Farmers Wife & Mummy, where you can link up any posts about your pregnancy, babies, being on maternity leave or about weaving your way through the minefield that is parenting. It is open to dad’s too, we just like the alliteration of #MaternityMondays 🙂

Thank you so much to all you lovely bloggers who linked up last week, we were thrilled to see so many of you join us for our first week and loved reading all of your posts! As Emma was hosting last week here are her favourites from last week:

“Another Bun wrote a great post about her birth plan for a caesarean. It was such a refreshing change to see someone do that as I always worried a c-section meant no plans.

 Another refreshing post was from Gym Bunny Mummy who says breast isn’t always best for everyone. Having struggles with my first child, I totally know where she is coming from. 

 The Life of Wife was packing her hospital bag for baby number 2 so that is always worth a read-even if you have had a baby before. There were a couple of things on her list that weren’t on mine so I will be checking them off against each other.”

This last week has felt like a long one in our house. Hubby has been back at work so we have been trying to get back to a bit of a normal routine… which with a 2 1/2 month old who likes changing her routine every few days, really isn’t that easy! We’ve also had a big proud mummy moment as Monkey started playgroup, so I am linking up my post about that.

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting. It is my turn to host this week and I am really looking forward to reading your posts!

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @BecomingaSAHM and @EmmaLander2


#MaternityMondays Week 1

Welcome to #MaternityMondays! The new weekly linky, hosted by myself and Emma over at Farmers Wife & Mummy, where you can link up any posts about your pregnancy, babies, being on maternity leave or about weaving your way through the minefield that is parenting.

First a little bit about us.

Emma is Mummy to the nearly four year old Boo and has a second baby due sometime in January. She blogs about their life on the farm with a pre-schooler and being pregnant with a much longed for second child.

I am Mummy to 2 1/2 year old Monkey and a two month old Little Miss. Blogging about life muddling through trying to be a SAHM and juggling the needs of a toddler and a baby.

We are really excited about hosting this linky together and reading all of your posts about pregnancy, babies and beyond.

Each week the plan is that we will both have the linky code so you can link up on either of our blogs. though we are taking it in turns comment on your posts and promote them on Twitter. This week, as #MaternityMondays was her idea, Emma is hosting and will be commenting on all of your fab posts and will promote them on twitter. I will be popping round too as I am really excited about our first linky.

This week I am linking up my recent update post about Little Miss at 10 weeks, she is growing so fast and I can’t believe in some ways how quickly the time has gone since she was born…. though I also feel like a black hole has swallowed a huge chunk of time. If it wasn’t for the obvious reminder of Christmas, I would swear blind it was still October!

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @BecomingaSAHM and @EmmaLander2
