Playing Pirates

I’m not sure where it comes from but Monkey has a little love of Pirates. It could be from a pirate episode of Postman Pat or that pirate programme on cbeebies Swashbuckle (does that do anyone else’s head in?) or it could just be because he has loved looking through cardboard tubes for a long time. We call them telescopes and his Nanny and Pops say things like “I don’t see no ships” in a piratey voice whenever he has one. Maybe it is a combination of these things but wherever he has got it from Monkey likes all things pirate.

So for a while we have it in mind that we would like to do some pirate themed fun and on one weekend recently we had some spare time and Hubs decided he and Monkey would make a treasure chest and some treasure.

They had great fun painting the chest and making treasure out of tin foil and painting those.

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Then another day in the week Monkey and I drew a treasure map. Monkey told me where to put the cross and he drew some ponds… then I had to go get LM and came back to discover there was some lakes added on too and the X is now at the bottom of a lake 😉 whatever you say Monkey! I drew on some trees and then was instructed to draw peppa pig and her house – so that is what the red and pink bits in the top corner are supposed to be lol! Hmm maybe Peppa Pig has something to do with his interest in pirates?

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To continue the piratey fun we then made Monkey his own pirate hat.

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He loved running around with his hat and telescope, but the treasure map held very little interest for him. The real winner with this activity is the treasure chest and treasure. He absolutely adores his treasure chest and can spend ages in the conservatory (excuse the mess, this is the messy play room/laundry drying area) putting the treasure in and taking it out, posting his treasure through the telescope, and collecting it all in one of his treasure cups.

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The hat and telescope often end up in the treasure chest too bless him! It has been great fun doing all of the pirate activities and best of all it is an activity that lasts as he loves playing with his treasure!!

It’s the first time we have really done a themed week of activities, but I think we will again.



Mini Creations

Fun at the Farm & Playing Pooh Sticks

Not to far from where we live is Sacrewell Farm. It is a great child friendly place to go and I have blogged out it before. It is lovely but the entry price is a little expensive for us to be able to visit too frequently. Last Saturday they had an open day which meant it was free entry for everyone so they could talk about what was happening over the year. Well we couldn’t resist so we wrapped up warm and headed over.

Of course being a free open day, it was packed! They have an amazing play barn and we had hoped to have a play but there was a queue to get in throughout the day and we decide not to bother. It was actually a lovely sunny day and we wanted to make the most of it by being outdoors even though it was freezing and very, very muddy!


Monkey loved seeing the animals (even a pretend one!)…


though we all got a fright when he went to say hello to a goat, and it rammed the fence trying to get at him! It shocked us all but thankfully Auntie Ericha saved the day by telling Monkey that the goat was just saying hello. It was a bit scary but we know what Monkey is like for getting scared and that fear hanging around for a long old time, so it helps to persuade him that it wasn’t that scary really!

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There is a little stream running through the farm and who can resist a game of pooh sticks? We have tried to do it with Monkey before but he didn’t really get it at the time. This time however he loved it!

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So much so that he didn’t want to stop in fact and just kept saying all day “I know, throw sticks in river!” over and again! We have created a monster!! 😉 I don’t mind though, I have such strong memories of looking for sticks to play pooh sticks with as a kid! Such great simple fun 🙂

Do your kids love pooh sticks?

Post Comment Love

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Monkey at 32 months

Monkey is doing and saying so many things at the moment that I really want to capture and remember. Rather than write a specific post about them all individually, I thought it was time for another mini milestones post – even if it is more of a summary of his cute (and not so cute) behaviour rather than specifically divided into areas of development as I have done previously.

Things Monkey Says

After being a little slow on the speech development side, Monkey now chatters and sings pretty much constantly and it is really lovely. There are still occasions where we aren’t sure what he is saying, but for the most part he is pretty clear, and his pronunciation is getting better all the time. He still struggles to pronounce his Ls and they come out as Ns but when you think about how you say them, they take a pretty similar tongue movement so I am sure he will get there!

He is so polite and really learning about when to say please and thank you, although please sounds more like “twease” sometimes!  He has picked up a really very cute habit of saying”you’re most welcome” when anyone says thank you, which melts a few hearts!

Other favourite phrases are “my turn” (shockingly) “don’t want to” (again no big surprise) and it has taken a lot of effort to stop him announcing “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year” to everyone we come across!

He has started saying “Hello there” which is pretty adorable and loves telling us “I love that” when he really likes some food or some activity or something. The other morning he came downstairs and said, completely unprompted “I love you daddy, I love you mummy!” Which melted our hearts.

He keeps trying to get away with calling us Mum and Dad instead of Mummy and Daddy and we are not ready to accept that yet!!

When he does something that makes us cross or upset he looks at us and says “Make happy now” as he really doesn’t like us being anything other than smiley bless him!

He sings all the time, with the alphabet song being his favourite, though he also loves incy wincy spider, twinkle twinkle little star and well most nursery rhymes really!

Post office

Monkey's post officeMonkey has always been a fan of Postman Pat so be extension he loves anything to do with post. he runs to the door to get the post for me every morning and loves letters, parcels etc. He has a toy area behind our sofa with cubby holes, boxes and a couple of drawers. One day I saw him pick up a DVD insert and go trotting off behind the sofa with it saying something about post. Intrigued I had a peek and he has decided that one of his drawers is a “post office!” It’s hilarious and there is all sorts of bits and bobs in there, taxi leaflets that have been pushed through the door, old envelopes, dvd inserts, all sorts and every time he finds a bit of paper lying around he goes “ooh post” and pops it into his post office. It’s hilarious, I just love it and now we know where to look if we ever lose something!!


He doesn’t need a nap every day now, which is good as with two afternoons a week being at playgroup, he can’t really, but if he goes for a couple of days with no nap, he gets very very testy and we have the mother of all meltdowns. He has always been a child that relies on the right balance of food and sleep to make him happy and it still makes a huge difference to his temperament if he is hungry or tired! When he does nap, he cans till sleep for around 3 hours between 2 and 5 and then still goes down to bed and sleeps through the night from around 7.15-715. It’s bonkers really but it works.

Bedtime Friends

His two loves of doggy bear and blankie have been companions at bedtime for a long time. Gradually he has taken to a few other teddies and now he has loads which he loves. They all have to be present at bedtime and there has been times where they have all had to come downstairs after his nap, though we are trying not to indulge that too much as there is a lot of teddies to cart about! Sometimes though he has a little ritual where Mummy Teddy, Daddy Teddy and Doggy Bear all have to be tucked up under blankie before he will go to sleep. So cute!



Monkey is obsessed with Jigsaws at the moment. We got him a fab set for Christmas from the ELC which has 10 jigsaws all at slightly different levels of difficulty. He started off a bit unsure but all of a sudden he can now do 5 or 6 of these entirely by himself. The ones that are more than 2 rows high seem to daunt him a little bit but the others he just loves and does them so quickly now it is incredible!


Our little fusspot is still very up and down with food, we had a real low patch where he barely ate any evening meals, then we reinforced our behaviour and he seemed to do better for a while , but now we are in a dip again! He has this awful habit at the moment where he will put food in his mouth, but then won’t eat it, just leaving it sitting there for ages and ages and eventually he wants to spit it out – which I have to admit really winds me up as I think it is disgusting! Sometimes he will store it for ages then randomly swallow it which I don’t really understand but prefer it to spitting it out.

It winds hubs and I up no end though and we do all sorts of bad things, bribing, threatening, cajoling,  and nagging to get him to eat. I know it isn’t right but hey we are not perfect people and we really do try, but sometimes it feels like the only tactics that work! The randomest tactic that works is using his Postman Pat toy, putting on a deep voice and having “Pat” talk to Monkey and ask him to eat it. He responds well to that a lot of the time – the power of Pat!

Clever boy

Now this may sound like I am bragging and I don’t mean to, I am just really proud of our boy and think he is really clever. I have no idea what is normal or advanced for his age but I am just really proud of him, he’s like a little sponge soaking up knowledge! He knows all of his alphabet and switches been phonics and letter names for most letters. He can recognise his own name written down and when playing with letters can even put the right order for his name sometimes.

He knows loads of colours and when I asked him what colours he wanted to paint with the other day, he recited them in rainbow order, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple lol! Then added pink on the end too 🙂 so with a little help we then made s rainbow picture! Before mixing them all up and doing lots of brown splodges and hand prints :).


He is really good with shapes and points them out all over the place, pointing at a door and saying rectangle, a 20p piece and saying hexagon, an old teething ring and saying oval. He still loves numbers and recognises up to 100 though occasionally gets them mixed up,so for example if he sees 63, sometimes he will say 36 instead, but not every time. He is also really good with his left and right and he gets that right nearly every time which astounds me as I still have to think about which is which, my brain just can’t get it at all so the fact his does really impresses me!!

I feel like I could go on forever about our gorgeous boy but I think this post is long enough! Needless to say though I adore him and even though he really pushes my buttons sometimes I am so so proud of him every day as he is just a lovely little boy 🙂

Ethans Escapades
Not My Year Off


From rain to shine

Last week I had arranged to meet up with one of my lovely mummy friends on her day off work. WIth LM’s lack of routine it is sometimes difficult to plan outings but we decided to go for it and arranged to meet at a local country park where the kids could run around. Unfortunately on the day of the meet up, despite previously sunny forecasts… we woke up to a very grey very wet morning.

We talked about going somewhere else but I had promised Monkey we would go and feed the ducks, so I decided to bundle him up in waterproofs and head off to the country park anyway. My friend decided to join us too, though she definitely thought I was bonkers for still wanting to go (and I suspected she was right, actually). We got there and it really was very  wet. Monkey was loving jumping in the puddles, and so were her kiddies so it didn’t start off terribly.

enjoying the wet

Then we headed to one of the playparks, which, being wet, was incredibly slippy and both our little boys fell off. My friend’s eldest, N, desperately wanted Monkey to play with her and tried to chase him but he was having none of it. He got really stroppy and I got cross. My friend’s little girl then got really upset with him and was sulking. By this point the thought of “what are we doing here?” ver much crossed my mind and we nearly went home.

Instead though we popped to a little cafe for lunch and the kids cheered up immensely. I had taken a postman pat sticker book and the 3 kiddos very much enjoyed paying with them together.


By the time we had eaten lunch, somehow the sun had miraculously broken through the clouds, and we headed to another playpark, which is predominantly sand.


The kids cheered up no end and had a whale of a time playing. Monkey is so independent he mainly played in the sand by himself, but they ended up all on the slide together which is where they had the most fun. Because it was just a cold miserable day we were pretty much the only people there so the kids had free run and were going up and down the slide again and again.

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It was just an ordinary outing that got off to a really wet and miserable start, but it ended up being brilliant. LM slept the whole time miraculously, and my friend and I got to have a good catch up while our kids had loads of fun. Lovely day 🙂


Super Busy Mum

Bug Hunting

Last weekend Monkey’s Auntie Ericha and Uncle Paul popped over with a surprise for Monkey – his very own magnifying glass and bug pot! I had thought about getting Monkey a magnifying glass for a while for our nature hunts, but hadn’t got round to it. I hadn’t thought about getting a bug pot though and it is fantastic, both went down a treat!

After showing Monkey how it all works the intrepid explorers headed out into the wild (of the back garden) to go bug hunting!


They found a centipede, tiny snails, woodlice and a wiggly worm to inspect in the bug pot.

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It’s great because both hubs and I are a bit wimpy with bugs (especially spiders, I have a really irrational phobia as I am sure many people do) but we really don’t want to show Monkey our fears and make him scared of them too. So whenever he is around I have to stamp down my fears as much as possible. For example there was a HUGE moth flying around the conservatory the other day while we were in there and I was trying to let it out but it kept flying at me. I hate when things fly at me but was trying to keep calm and laugh it off in front of monkey, but when it flew at him it really freaked him out bless him!

Anyway, I digress, the point is that by encouraging Monkey to look at bugs without being scared, hopefully we can avoid passing our fears on to him. After bug hunting they “gently” put the bugs back where they live.


Monkey had so much fun bug hunting so we will have to do it again, and the magnifying glass is a huge hit as he is inspecting everything with it bless him! Including a story at bedtime 🙂

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Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


Monkey’s first day at playgroup!

This week was a big day for us as it was Monkey’s first day at playgroup! Looking after Monkey, raising him and teaching him about the world has been my job since he was born. It is why I wanted to be a SAHM and I feel privileged that I have been able to do so for this long. However there are many reasons why we think it will be good for him to go to playgroup. One day he will have to go to school and we want to be able to ease him into it, first of all with a couple of days of playgroup, then preschool before he starts school. The local playgroup generally feeds into the local school so our hope is that he will make friends at playgroup and pre-school and that they will move up together to school one day.

Making friends is the biggest reason we have been keen for him to go to playgroup as although he sees my friends’ children, with jobs and other commitments he doesn’t see them quite so often anymore and it would be nice for him to have more time playing with other children. But he has never been left without me, hubs or his grandparents before so we knew it would be a big change for him, and for us, for him to be in someone else’s care.

He was originally due to start in November, when he was 2 1/2, but with LM being born we didn’t want to make such a big change at that time, as we didn’t want him to feel that he was being taken there because  she was here. So we delayed his start date until after Christmas as we felt that would be the best time for a new start to the routine, and Friday afternoon was his first day.

WP_20150109_18_57_43_ProWe had been trying to prepare him and help him feel enthusiastic and excited about starting playgroup in the run up to the big day. We were recommended a lovely book by a friend who had used it with her son to help him prepare for playgroup, “Lulu Loves Nursery.”* We substituted the word nursery for playgroup but it is a really lovely book and talks about how Lulu is worried about being without her mummy, and feels shy at first, but then decides to be brave and she really loves her day at nursery. It is a great book and also comes with a certificate you can fill out and give to them at the end of their first day.

Monkey absolutely adores this book and we have been reading it over and over since we gave it to him, it has definitely helped Monkey with the concept of me leaving him there but coming back again afterwards. It has also helped that our playgroup provided a little leaflet, which reads like a story, about all of the things you can do there.

The big day dawned and we had a fairly quiet morning at home to make sure he was well rested. Daddy didn’t want to miss it so he came home and we all went off to playgroup together. Monkey had his little backpack on and was dead excited, running basically all the way there and dragging Daddy along! We got there much quicker than I thought we would have actually so had to wait outside for a little while!

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When it was time to go in, Monkey was straight in there, playing with puzzles, he didn’t seem bothered about us at all. We decided not to hang about too long so said our goodbyes after a few minutes and headed out. He only gave us cursory hugs and goodbyes, but as we were leaving we did see a bit of a sad fac, though we heard no cries and saw no tears.

We were both a bit on edge that afternoon, though I think because I still had LM to deal with I was a little less anxious than hubs who was back at work, unable to focus! I did keep an eye on my phone though in case they called but we heard nothing. When we went to collect him the staff said that he had been a little upset, and cried a few times, but that they had been able to distract him with books and toys each time and he had got over his tears.

At the end of the session they have all the children sat together to wait for their parents and then call them out one by one to us parents who are waiting in the foyer, though they can’t see us. I didn’t really know how they did it and if I had I would have asked if he could come out first, but I didn’t so they called out 4 or 5 other children before calling him out, so by the time he came out to us he was very unhappy again. I can understand it as from his perspective, sitting there waiting for mummy and daddy, watching other children go out to their parents, wondering if we were coming for him, it must have been pretty scary.

WP_20150111_11_11_05_ProWe had big cuddles though and he said he enjoyed himself. He showed us the fab picture he made and was excited about the fact he had been using glue.He was telling us about the books he had read and the friend he had played with (I’m not sure he actually did play with this little boy or just said it because we had talked about him beforehand) and within a few yards he said “I love playgroup” which we took as a very positive sign. In fact he even asked me if he could go playgroup again the next day, which is another very good sign. We stopped for an ice cream on the way home (as they do in “Lulu Loves Nursery“*) and he very pleased with his certificate from his  book 🙂

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I am expecting more tears on Monday, potentially even when I drop him off, and probably for a few more times, but hopefully he is off to a good start and it well get easier and easier the more he gets used to the playgroup, the staff and the other children. Fingers crossed anyway! But for now I am just a proud mama and think he did so so well for his first day!

Linking up to:

We're going on an adventure
Ethans Escapades


Mini Creations

with his first ever picture from playgroup 🙂

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Roley Poleys

You know how sometimes with kids, you do something once, and then they love it, so you have to do it over and over and it becomes a tradition? Well that is what has happened here lately. Bath and bed time have been a Monkey and Daddy time for a really long time, it has been their special bonding time. But since the arrival of Little Miss and some difficult days we have been taking it in turns a bit more to look after each of them.

On one day when it was my turn with Monkey I decided to change our bedding while the bath was running and so took Monkey to get involved with me. He wasn’t really much help but he thought he was and had fun doing it with me. After we had made the bed I had the spontaneous idea of doing roley poleys on the bed.

Well I have to say it was a hit. Monkey loved taking it in turns with me to roley poley across the bed and then “fall” off the bed where I caught him.

The photos are blurry because the lighting was terrible but you get the idea.

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We then did a few selfies on the bed which Monkey loves doing at the moment.


It has become a bit of a tradition now and so is a very ordinary moment in our house. Now LM has a bedtime routine, she has a bath first and while one of us gives her a bath, the other is in our bedroom playing roley polys with Monkey 🙂 lovely times 🙂


A muddy New Year’s Day walk!

After a few beautiful (if very cold) frosty days, we decided we should wrap up on New Year’s Day and go for a chilly walk around our local country park. Then New Year’s Day dawned and it was grey and miserable. No blue sky, no pretty frost. Just really wet and grey! But after some to-ing and fro-ing we decided not to let this stop us, to pop on our wellies and head over anyway.

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Meeting Father Christmas, and some Reindeer

At 2 1/2 this is the first year Monkey has really understood that Christmas is coming, and therefore been really excited about it. Because of that we are very much enjoying sharing Christmas traditions with him as his enthusiasm is really contagious! He has been asking basically every day this month whether Father Christmas is coming, so we thought he would love going to visit him. As an aside, he is very much Father Christmas in our house rather than Santa Claus, it seems everyone is adopting Santa these days but that feels so American to me, am I alone in this?

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Simple Christmas Baking with a Toddler

Monkey loves helping to cook at the moment. He loves putting his pinny and on and it is generally Daddy who he helps in the kitchen while I am looking after Little Miss. They have done all sorts, Monkey is learning to peel and chop vegetables and he is fascinated by “fire” (the hob) though he knows to stay well back from it, and the oven. He just wants to “have a look see!”

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