Our Christmas crafting has begun! Monkey is hugely excited about Christmas this year, he loves seeing all the decorations in the shops and was running round one shopping centre shouting “Merry Christmas” to anyone and everyone!
I wanted to harness this excitement so we have been making some lovely Snowman Christmas Decorations.
What you need
Something circular to draw around
Cotton Wool
PVA glue
Googly eyes
Buttons/mini pompom balls
Coloured Foam/card to cut out to make noses and mouths.
First I drew around a plastic cup to make the snowman’s head and body on some card and cut this out.
Monkey then helped me pull apart some cotton wool to make the snow. He helped me cover the snowman with glue and he stuck the snow on.
I then squidged on a few blobs of glue and Monkey added the googly eyes and pompoms for buttons.
We had some random foam shapes which I cut out for noses and mouths. Again I added the glue and Monkey stuck them on. For arms we used a coloured lolly stick.
Monkey decided that the first snowman we made was Mummy (must be something about the happy smile ;)) so is in fact a snow-woman. Of course we then had to make the rest of the family! The Daddy snowman had the addition of a hat, which I drew on before cutting the shape out, and Monkey did some amazing colouring in :).We made a couple of little snow-children for Monkey and LM and there we have it, a snow-family of Christmas Decorations. To hang them on the tree I used a bodkin (big needle) to make a hole and threaded through some wool.
Note: The card I used was a little flimsy so I had to reinforce it with some thin cardboard, from a cereal box. It may be worth making them on cardboard in the first place 🙂
Here they are on our gorgeous Pines and Needles tree, remember to use voucher code STAY14 when you order yours to get your bonus mini tree!
Also linking up with #TinselTuesdays
I love this idea. We’ve ben decorating some Christmas shapes with paint and glitter – a bit basic really – but I’d love to give these snowmen a go. I don’t think the tot has the patience this year though. Bookmarked for next year! Have a fab Christmas!
Yes, I imagine all that cotton wool and glue could make them quite heavy. They look so sweet though and how lovely that Monkey is getting into the spirit of Christmas already x
Fab idea, I’ll have to make some of these with the kids 🙂 #letkidsbekids
Aw, I love those snow-family! They are so cute and really simple and fun to make.
Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids
Such a great but simple idea…. may use this to get S occupied during these colder days! #tinseltuesday
The snowman family looks really cute, and I’m sure Monkey enjoyed making them!
Can we come round please? Your house looks so much fun. Great idea. Thanks for linking up to #TinselTuesdays
Yes you are more than welcome, bit of a long way to come though I think 🙂
These are really cute. I keep old cereal boxes just in case we need them for crafts 🙂
I love the smiley snowman faces, simple and effective crafting at its best. #letkidsbekids
these look fab!!!
I’d love to make these with the monsters BUT i have a major fear od cotton wool!! ha ha ha, but they look amazing on your tree.
Thanks so much for linking up to #ToddlerApprovedTuesday
What a cute Christmas craft – adding to our ‘to make’ list 🙂 We have stacks of cotton wool, I have a feeling we’ll be doing lots of snow and snowman themed crafts! #tinseltuesdays
Oh these are nice and simple and look so lovely hanging on the tree! Might try this with Bella x x
what a great idea! they look great too x
Oh they are gorgeous Caroline! I’m definitely going to do this with the kids as it looks relatively un-messy too! #winner 🙂 Hope you are keeping well lovely! Xx #savouringtheseason
Love these they are so cute. I know my little ones would love this as well as they enjoyed using cotton wool to make Santas beard yesterday. Thank you for sharing #ToddlerApprovedTuesday
This is so nice! I was just about to google some nice simple ideas on xmas decorations my 2 and 4 year old could make, and this is perfect! 😀
Pingback: Feeling Festive | Becoming a Stay at Home Mum
Ahh they look very cute, I might have to give them a go!
Oooh as have all of this!! We may be having a snowman craft kind of day 🙂
Grace says – These look really great and fab idea to hang on the tree. Glad to hear that Monkey’s getting really excited about Christmas.
Thanks for linking up to #minicreations
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Such a lovely handmade decoration idea, and it looks like monkey enjoyed himself.Thanks for linking up to #festivefriday
Love these so much, going to make them! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts x
These look so cute. I love the fact that you made a whole family of snow people. I’m sure Little Miss H would love to make these. You may have inspired me to get my Christmas craft on. Thanks for linking another fab post to #SundaysStars. Hugs Mrs H xxxx
Awww… Really cute! And so simple!! Love a bit of cotton wool snow! Thanks for linking up to #SavouringtheSeason… Sorry I’m late!
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