Yup, it’s official, we have a crawler! Our little lady, at just over 9mths old is now well and truly on the move.
When she wants to she can really go at a pace but actually for the most part she doesn’t want to crawl and much prefers to stand. So she will only crawl until she can find something (usually Mummy who she knows is a soft touch) to pull herself up on. She is so determined to stand and walk that even if there is nothing (or no Mummy) to grab onto then she will try and stand. As a result, much of the time she ends up like this, with bum in the air.
She has even done a couple of steps like this but I think she hopes to push herself to standing and just can’t quite get herself there yet!
It’s a whole new world for us as Monkey never crawled properly and just did a sort of commando style drag across the floor. The speed that LM can go and the distance she can cover is a whole new thing so we are having to be extra careful about what is on the floor – especially some of Monkey’s smaller toys. It terrifies me even thinking about it to be honest!
It’s so lovely seeing her so proud of herself for accomplishing it, even though there is still just as much frustrtaion as she would rather stand and walk. I have a feeling that won’t be too far in the future though!
Love watching her grow into a little person 🙂
Awww how sweet is she! Crawling is lovely because they can go where they want and reach their toys themselves easily…. But so so so much work for mummy! I’ve been so exhausted since Baby H started crawling, but am enjoying it much much more now we’ve baby-proofed. X
Awwh! Well Done Little lady!!! 🙂
I miss this milestone!! xxx
Beth | Life-As-Mum
She’s absolutely gorgeous Caroline! And yay for crawling! There will be no stopping her now! x
Oh bless, I love the crawling phase, it’s so cute watching them actually able to go where they want to for the first time xx
I loved the crawling stage! One of my favourites – and they were so pleased with themselves. And it made them sleep! A lot! Enjoy.
Oh she is so sweet! I love the crawling stage. It’s less scary than the walking stage and so lovely seeing them getting around and becoming more independent. I love the video, she’s trying so hard and looks so proud of herself. Adorable! xx #maternitymondays
Aww I love the first crawl! I had similar as my first was a bum shuffle but second (and third) crawled, it’s quite a shock to the system lol x #maternitymatters
#maternitymondays my brain is not in gear yet x
Aww … what a cutey! My little crawler (bit of a late starter) is the same on the standing front. The only thing that will get her moving is an abandoned iPhone or, well, anything she shouldn’t have. Such fun! #maternitymondays
Oh bless her – well done LM and such gorgeous photos of her crawling. She looks so proud of herself and love that she pushes herself right up on her hands and feet because she is so keen to stand 🙂
Aww so sweet! She will definitely be keeping you on your toes now 🙂 #maternitymondays
This has to be one of my favourite milestones – watching them move for the first time. Love the bum in the air photo, bless her heart. #maternitymondays
She won’t be long before she’s walking I don’t think Caroline! The fun really begins now eh? haha. xx #maternitymondays. Thanks for hosting xx
Oh how did she get this big already! Well done little lady! 🙂 X
Aww great..well done little girl! 🙂 xx #maternitymondays
Watch out, there’ll be no stopping her now!! #maternitymondays
Aw how lovely! I found everything a little easier when mine started crawling as she was much happier when she could get where she wanted, although it did lead to emergency child proofing and stair gate fitting! Mine was similar in wanting to stand as soon as she could crawl and now amazes me with the speed at which she can get around! X #maternitymondays
Awww bless her, how exciting another stage about to start 🙂 best start moving everything up again haha. Love the rug that she’s on by the way! Thanks for hosting.
Oh how exciting!! No stopping her now she’s on the move! xx
Beautiful photos. I remember the bum in the air move well. Yoshi was great at that too. Congrats on hitting that milestone! #SSAmazingAchievements
It’s amazing how nippy they can be, isn’t it? And how pleased with herself is she in the video? What a clever girl. #SSAmazingAchievements
Aww – bless her! It’s amazing how fast they can go, isn’t it? I’ve always loved that bum in the air stance when they try to get up! #SSAmazingAchievements
Yay she is on the move. It’s the same time that Little E started to crawl which made me laugh. We also had the hands and feet movement but a little later after she had started to take a few steps and her dresses were getting in the way. I wonder when she is going to walk?!
Thanks for linking up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements :0)
Awwww … so lovely. How it warms our hearts to watch them grow! What blessing this is, in every way. Mine wanted to stand and walk, above crawling, too. I’m sure she’ll be walking before you know it. A lovely record to look back on. 🙂 #CommentLuv