To Buy a New Buggy? Or Not?

I’ve been debating for ages what to do about a buggy when number 2 comes along.

We have a Phil & Teds Sport buggy that I got second hand from a girl at work, liking the fact that it could be turned into a tandem pushchair when you have two. It isn’t the perfect pushchair, as it can be a bit heavy, frequently gets punctures, and the front wheel bugs me when going up and down small steps as it swings round and then is  a pain to move again. But… it didn’t cost a huge amount and we’ve managed perfectly fine so far. It has a nice big storage area underneath, and is a good height, which is great for hubby who is 6’2.”

My concern with this buggy is that for some reason I thought that when you get the extender kit to turn it into a tandem pushchair, that the older toddler should sit in the bottom part, and the newborn be in the car seat attached to the top. The problem with this is that Monkey is so tall for his age (he’s already 3’2″) and I don’t think he would fit in the back bit. But I also didn’t want to spend a lot of money on a new buggy, as there is nothing really wrong with the one we have.

This has been lurking at the back of my mind for ages, hubby definitely doesn’t see the need to get a new one, and is perfectly happy with the sport. I find the sport a bit heavy and clunky at times but it’s not that bad and I know that we really cannot afford to get a brand new buggy and even a second hand one wouldn’t come cheap.

Never mind actually deciding which one to get if we did decide to get a new one! A really wide double one? Even though Monkey doesn’t need it all the time? Seems a bit pointless.

A different tandem one with a different design? But one that would also be compatible with our Maxi-cosi car seat.

Or, do we not get a new buggy at all and just get a buggy board to attach so Monkey can ride on the back? Or even persuade him to always go on a ride on toy when we are out and not have a buggy available to him.

I have thought a lot about different options, and it’s not like Monkey is in the buggy all the time, but sometimes if we walk to the park for a play, by the time it is time to go home he is whiny and tired and wants to sit down. My friend’s 3 yr old is the same so I don’t think he’s miraculously going to be happy walking all the time in 6 months when the baby is in the buggy. Sometimes for these occasions I just use our really cheap stroller as it is a lot lighter. Can’t really use that with a baby though!

So anyway I had a look around our local kiddicare a few weeks ago, at the hundreds of different buggies there.


I also looked at the Phil & Teds properly. I really should have done this before as it may have saved me a lot of thought and worry and weighing up. Because the younger baby can go in the back and the toddler in the front. Why did I not realise this before?? Honestly I’ve seen lots of other Phil & Teds users and they all seem to have the older toddler sat in the bottom bit, so I just assumed (WRONGLY) that that was how it had to be! D’oh!

So that is ok when baby can sit up a bit (or be propped up) BUT when baby is really newborn, the idea is that baby lies down in the baby carrier and this is rested on the main seat (folded down flat) with the extra seat then sort of on top of that. And that seems a bit confusing to me.


image courtesy of phil & teds

But I think I have made up my mind to stick with the Phil & Ted sport, and buy the extender kit (second hand, I don’t see the point spending £80 on it when we only paid about £70 for the buggy itself!) and try it out and see how it goes. We may get a buggy board too. We will just have to see how we get on. He got an oh so cool ride on motorbike for his birthday and it may be that he’ll prefer to ride on that when we go out, difficult to know really!

What did you do when baby number 2 came along? Was your eldest old enough to manage without a buggy, or did you go for a double?

Mother's Always Right
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19 thoughts on “To Buy a New Buggy? Or Not?

  1. Hmm, tricky! Boo was 2 & 11 months when Little Man arrived, are rarely went in our Stokke by then, so we just got a buggy board. I think seeing how you go makes sense, and then get a new one if you need to x

  2. I had a buggy board for a time but they are a pain to be honest, I was always bruising my legs on it. My 3 year old hasn’t used her pushchair since well before Christmas but I love it so much I can’t bear to part with it!

  3. It’s a tricky one! We’re keeping the buggy we had for F, but there will be 4 years between my two and F doesn’t use her buggy anymore. We have two good buggies (one that is also a pram and has a car seat option too – cost a fortune 4 years ago!) but, realistically, I expect I won’t use the buggy much. I’m going to invest in a decent sling this time, because I imagine it’ll be far easier to just walk out the door with the baby in a sling, holding the hand of my 4 year old when she starts school next term. So that’s my main obsession at the moment – if you have any sling advice I’m all ears! Thank you for linking up to the #BlogBumpClub x

    • Yeah i think you’re probably right actually… we have a Beco Gemini carrier which I loved with Monkey. We tried a couple of others but found the Beco gave great back support. I’m sure we will use that quite a bit too! xx

  4. When Elma arrived Kitty was 26 months and we just did without – she was really keen on walking so we thought we’d play it by ear and see how we got on. Occasionally I’d have Elma in a sling and Kitty in the buggy if we wanted to go for a longer walk but we were fine. Our buggy does double up and this time with an expected 21 ish month gap we’ve gone for the double kit; Elma is walking but not so confidently that we can do without, and also I’ve still only got two hands so this way I can hold Kitty and push the other two!

    • Ooh yes, you only have so many pairs of hands! It really does depend on the older toddler doesn’t it. Monkey used to love walking everywhere but he has got a lot lazier in recent months and wants to go in the buggy more so I think the double kit will be a good way to go to start with, but as time goes on I will try and persuade him to walk more! xx

  5. I loved my phil n ted and loved looking down at my baby snuggled in the carrycot bit while big sis sat up high on the front. You might find that by the time baby is old enough to go in front that Monkey is walking more often than not. You’re right about the punctures though – I was forever buying cheap bike pumps in pound land to get me home!

    • Glad it’s not just us with the punctures, that thing is so heavy if you are stuck with a flat tyre!! Good to know the double kit worked out well for you though! 🙂 xx

  6. My friend has this buggy for her 2 1/2 yr old and 4month old- the little one lies in the back with the big one at front- but she couldn’t figure out how you get the big one in the back with the car seat attachment! She also has a Buggyboard for the big one. I don’t think monkey will use it for very long so I wouldn’t bother with a new one either, it’ll only be a few months with maybe a bit of a struggle but I’m sure it will be good enough! Good luck! Xxx #PoCoLo

    • Thanks hon, always helpful to know how other mummies have managed! Like you say hopefully it won’t be for too long anyway! xx

  7. Hmmm…. I can see the dilemma but your Monkey will really just walk around soon. If you think its really going to be hard for you I think you should get new one. Having a toddler and a new baby is a bit hard so you need all the help that you can get =) #pocolo

  8. Oh dear, I am the wrong person to ask about whether or not you should get a new pram as my answer will always be YES! In fact, I am in the process of selling one so that I can buy another!!
    Go for it!
    x x x

  9. Hmmm… Tricky one! Sounds like you’re reaching a good decision though. My friend has the Phil & Teds for her 2 (20mths and 12 wks!) and seems to cope well. They do seem to grow out of the baby carrier quite quick though!

    Good luck!

  10. When my number 2 eventually comes along (we are still trying) I am pleased to say that Grace will be 8 or over! Thank goodness I won’t have to worry about this. My Mum however had 3 under 3! Being the eldest I had to walk from a very early age. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo 🙂 x

    • My goodness I can imagine you did, the thought of 3 under 3 ever so slightly terrifies me I’ll admit! xx

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