Easy peasy Homemade Thank You Cards – 2 yr old

I think Thank you cards are so important, especially when kids are little. Friends and relatives can be so generous with their gifts but very often don’t really get to see how much the little ones enjoy them. So a few little words to express how much they like the toy or present are often gratefully received.  Obviously Monkey can’t yet write the words, or even tell me what he would say as a thank you, but by making the cards together I hope we can build a good habit together of thanking people for their kindness and generosity.

Monkey’s crafting abilities are still quite limited though. We have made some lovely birthday cards using his finger paints, but I honestly think I have done that one to death now! We have tried glueing and sticking things but the glue gets everywhere and honestly, I find it all a bit stressful!

So I tried to think of something really easy that Monkey would enjoy, that would look nice but not be too difficult (or stressful!). I decided on some self adhesive foam shapes. I found some lovely star ones and also bought some stick on ‘thank you’s’ to add to the cards.

Monkey very much enjoyed sticking the stars and shapes onto the cards – though the words were a little fiddly so I ended up doing those for him. Some even got an extra touch with some lovely scribbles on 🙂

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We had to do it over a few different sessions as there was quite a few cards to be made but overall I think they have turned out to be quite sweet! Each one is unique and down to Monkey’s creativity, so I hope that family and friends will like them when they get them 🙂


Easy Peasy Homemade Thank You Cards

Now I need to make the time to actually write them 😉 xx

Mini Creations

32 thoughts on “Easy peasy Homemade Thank You Cards – 2 yr old

  1. I’m sure if my kids did this the stars would all be on top of each other or hanging off the sides of the paper! Great idea though and lovely that you are so good at thank yous, I am often guilty of letting it slip and then I feel sooooo guilty! X

    • Haha well bear in mind it is nearly a month since his birthday and I am only just getting round to writing them! I have to make a massive effort to push myself to do it but I do think it’s nice. haha crafting with 2 of them must be sooo much harder with one! xx

  2. they look brilliant, a lovely idea. you are right it is nice to get a lil thank you note, i really must start writing more thank you notes! #LetKidsBeKids

    • Yeah I have to admit I did need to be involved quite a bit, hence there was not many pictures I think! He did enjoy it though and I thought they looked quite sweet 🙂 xx

  3. Ahhh they look fab hon. I do like a home made card and posted about it myself for this linky 😉 Anything that turns a job/chore into an activity for the kids is an easy win in my books xx #letkidsbekids

  4. Lovely cards 🙂 I agree that it’s definitely nice to find time to say thank you properly – I was always terrible at it growing up but hopefully Arthur will be better! And stickers are our favourite crafting tool at the moment – he still can’t handle the messiness of paint and glue… x

    • Thanks Sara, I think it’s nice that they put the effort in, especially at this age when they can’t really say thank you any other way! xx

  5. Awww this reminds me that I need to get or maybe make Thank You cards too! My son met this girl in our family camping and she is so nice to my son even if shes older. Not a lot of girls her age would give my son time and she did gave him time and she played with him the whole trip! Maybe we should just make her one cuz its more special that way =) #LetKidsBeKids

    • Aww yeah making her a card sounds like a lovely idea, be something nice for him to do and I am sure she would love it too 🙂 She sounds very sweet! xx

  6. These are lovely thank you cards. Am sure the recipients will love them. We do something very similar with stickers and scribbles – so much fun when little ones can help with making cards

    • Thank you lovely and very glad to have inspired you a little! I love blogs so much for inspiration with toddler crafts, they help so much and this is a fab and simple idea! Have fun making the gifts! Sara at MumturnedMom just shared a lovely post about teacher gifts if you get a chance to read it! xx

  7. Grace says – Monkey, as always, is awesome and we’re pleased to see he’s making sure his mum is improving her crafting skills…….. he he

    Thanks for linking to #minicreations

    • Thanks grace, haha I know it’s as much me as Monkey, I look forward to the day when he can do more himself! xx

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