Family fun at my Mum’s

It’s my Mum’s birthday this week so on Saturday we popped round for a little gathering at my Mum and Step-Dad’s house. The weather was lovely and we were having lots of fun in the garden.



It was very relaxing… for us in anyway! For my lovely little brother it was slightly less relaxing as Monkey decided he was to be his playmate for the entire afternoon! Every time my little bro sat down Monkey was there taking his hand and leading him off again! And it seems my little bro just cannot seem to say no to him!


My stepsister and her partner were there with his three daughters who are very lovely and who also wanted to play with Monkey a lot. To start with Monkey was a bit wary of them (as he can be with older children since he was knocked over a couple of months ago) but he did really well and soon warmed to them. There was a really lovely point where they were playing tig, and Monkey was running around the garden (dragging my brother along with him) and desperate to join in, but really not understanding the game so just shouting “Ti” “Ti” and giggling his head off.

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Just an ordinary little family gathering but a lovely one, with lots of smiles and laughter and chats. Shame my older brother and his wife couldn’t make it, but it was lovely nonetheless.



Super Busy Mum


Family Photo Friday @ Thursday's Child, Friday's Thoughts
Family Friday

28 thoughts on “Family fun at my Mum’s

    • Thank you, aww yeah it was fab, and very relaxing for me! Lovely to see him playing with some older kids too 🙂 xx

  1. These are my most special times- just ordinary family times where the sun is shining and there is lots of yummy food. It looks great fun and how lovely you have a little bro who can help you look after Monkey for a bit. My little sister is the same and it is nice to get a little break. We are off for a BBQ at my Mums this afternoon- can’t wait! x

    • Aww hope you had a lovely BBQ, family time is just wonderful and it is especially nice when another adult loves to play with the kiddies and give us a rest! 🙂 xx

  2. Happy birthday to your mom. And so glad you all got to gather for a good time together. There is nothing better they a family round up. I am home next week and I can’t wait!!!! Sounds amazing. Love the photos. Definitely a beautiful ordinary moment to share. #ordinarymoments

    • \Aww I bet you can’t will be so lovely for you to spend time with all of your family! It was such a lovely afternoon 🙂 xx

  3. How lovely is this post and a big happy birthday to your Mum. I loved the photo of the BIG family surrounded table. Nothing can beat that sort of day! Lovely photos too, thanks so much for linking up with #MMWBH xx

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