Fun with a cardboard box

It never fails to amaze me that with kids, most of the time, simple things are the best. Last week I got a new toy – a lovely big food processor. This meant Monkey als got a new toy – a lovely big cardboard box. He had so much fun in there and just made me laugh so many times throughout the day.

To start with it was a den – I love his cheeky face poking out


Then I laughed out loud to see his feet poking out the top when it was a bed

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It was a bus for a while


Then he had so much fun making it a den again this time with just a blanket over the top and playing peepo.20150819_175559

Especially when the box then fell over with him inside!20150819_175659

Then LM had to get in on the action – she wasn’t quite as sure about being covered with the blanket

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Then it became a climbing frame (it was getting a bit squished by this point)


And finall a great hiding place (can you see his fingers on the top? The only clue I had to where he was lol!)


Kids and cardboard boxes eh?


16 thoughts on “Fun with a cardboard box

  1. Haha, love the simpleness a cardboard box can bring. Definitely basic childhood fun at its best, imagination, creativity and lots of laughs are priceless!
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

  2. That’s soooo true I love cardboard boxes. We were reviewing a Kiddicone this week and I had more fun pretending it was a microphone or hat than what it was intended for! 😉 #LetKidsBeKids lovely photos btw x

  3. Haha! Love these pics of your little ones’ joy in playing with the box! Yes, it amazes me the things that Baby Boy loves to play with which aren’t ‘toys’, so it’s a good thing we don’t invest much in toys lol 🙂

  4. I love this! Cardboard boxes are amazing. The amount you can do with one and a little imagination. From building cardboard cities, to hide and seek, to buses! 😀 It looks like they had so much fun! 😀 xx #toddlerapprovedtuesday

  5. Is there anything better than a cardboard box?!! So much fun to be had! We’ve been playing with them this week too! My 5 year old spent half a day wearing a box and calling herself dave the robot!!

  6. We love cardboard boxes here, the last big one we had I spent a night turning it into a playhouse, they loved it and it lasted quite well! Although they are more than happy to have a boat/car/train/plane/cave/anything-that-takes-their-fancy!!

    Thanks for linking up to #ToddlerApprovedTuesday

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