My word of the week this week has to be drawing, as both kiddies are making leaps and bounds with their drawing abilities at the moment.
LM has well and truly discovered drawing now and would love to be doing it all day every day at the moment. I have held back from letting her have crayons for a while (for fear of her eating them) and she has amazed me with the magna doodle things. Then lately we got a couple of crayons out and she was in her element.
She does pop them in her mouth from time to time but is gradually learning not to I think. She loves it though and often takes herself off to the little table in the conservatory and sits swinging her legs. She has fallen a couple of times bless her but she just wants to get right back up.
She doesn’t distinguish that much between paper and table though and I have to control my feelings about this and remind myself that it doesn’t matter if she draws on this table. I am still trying to keep the crayons contained though as I really don’t want find her drawing on a wall or sofa one day! So it was lovely at the weekend when we got out in the garden with the pavement chalks as I could really leave her to do as she pleased. Again it ended up in her mouth once or twice but only very briefly and on the whole she was absolutely loving drawing on the pavement.
Monkey was loving it too and it was lovely seeing them do it together.
His drawing is coming on leaps and bounds lately too. There is still a lot scribbling going on but they are usually something, at least in his mind, and are often roads. I was dead impressed a few days ago though when I was doodling while they were drawing and drew a tree with some grass by a river… And Monkey copied me! He did so well and it was lovely to see him create an actual picture of something.
He’s also coming on really well with his writing. He has been writing his name for some time now but it has definitely improved and then the other day he wanted to draw numbers so he was again copying what I did, and did such a brilliant job! I was so proud of him! (excuse the bag of clothes in the background ready to go to the chairty shop!) Of course some aren’t perfect but who cares, what a brilliant effort, such a clever Monkey :).So as you can see there has been a lot of drawing going on in our house. Do your kids love to draw?
Love the look of pure joy on LM’s face in the photos of her drawing with the pavement chalks and how lovely to see her and Monkey drawing together. I love Monkey’s tree picture and looks like he is doing so well with writing numbers. My girls both love drawing too – Sophie is not so good at making the distinction between paper and table and I’ve mostly resigned myself to just cleaning crayon off the dining room table afterwards. Jessica would happily sit at the table and draw all day if she could – we get through a lot of paper! 🙂
That’s great. They both look so pleased with their hard work and learning. Chalking on the pavement is such good fun, it kind of feels naughty, but it’s not! Well done to Monkey on his writing. #WoTW
Oh, they’re doing so well! So sweet to see them both enjoying it together, too – my kids love chalking outside as well. And well done to Monkey on his numbers, they look brilliant! Little Man and I are just working on shapes at the moment, we have the fun of numbers still to come! Thanks for sharing with #WotW
That is so cute! I saved loads of my daughter’s drawings at that age. That stage is really lovely. Well apart from finding drawings on your white furniture and walls 😉 #wotw.
Hi Caroline, Little Miss looks so cute in her outdoor clothes, like a little Michelin man (don’t tell her that or she may get paranoid!).
It’s lovely to watch children develop their drawing skills, I still have a folder full of ‘treasures’. And I can’t remember how many crayons my daughter ate, everything used to go in her mouth.
I love the photo of Monkey wearing a school tie and practicing his numbers. Very cute.
Oh bless aren’t they doing well! Must be fab when they actually write! LM looks so cute with the chalk xx #wotw
Ahh! How lovely! It looks like they have both been having a great time!
Aww! Your boy looks so pleased with himself. Well done x
My daughter has only just turned 1 but I’m sure she’d love to get her hands on mummy’s colouring pencils. Not sure when to let her loose on creative art. #wotw
Little E loves drawing too, I too control the crayons. I must get them out for her tomorrow. You have made me want to get our little table and chairs out for her too. Love the photos of them in the garden together #WotW
Oh I love this post! It’s such a happy post and how happy does Little E look when she’s scribbling on the pavement? This is such a great activity which my girl still enjoys doing at 8yo!!
Lovely word of the week
Well done to both of your children, they are developing and learning and practicing at home – result! Pavement art is a great way to practice without the worry of drawing on the table and no picture is constrained. Rain is a natural rubber to start all over again tomorrow! Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids
Lovely photos of your wee ones drawing! Looking forward to getting more creative with BookBairn as she gets a bit older! #WoTW
That’s great that they are both enjoying learning! Using chalk is such good fun. Love the photos 🙂 #LetKidsBeKids
Popping back. They do look so happy!
Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids
I love this post, the photos of your children drawing are so sweet. Its great when they suddenly find an activity that they love. My daughter was really into colouring last month and her writing skills really improved at the same time. #ToddlerApprovedTuesday
It’s great when they start learning to doodle and draw. The chalk for outside is such a good idea too. Looks like they are both having so much fun. Your little boy looks like he is doing really well his numbers too! #Letkidsbekids
They are both doing so well! Love the outdoor drawing activity, something we will need to do once it drys up. Clever small people xx #letkidsbekids
They are both doing really well, it’s only really been this last year that my Monkey has been fussed with drawing anything other than scribbles. #SSAA
My daughter is 16 months and has recently developed a love of colouring. She did draw on the wall the other day though! eek! I love the idea of chalk in the garden – will try this one out soon x
So great that they love to draw! I love drawing myself, but Mr O isn’t quite so keen, he would rather direct me to draw, although he is improving from basic scribbles, no letters in sight (refuses to hold the pencil in the right position which doesn’t help!). Mr A does love to ‘colour’ as he calls it and is definitely more interested in drawing than his brother was at his age, maybe my artistic hopes will be pinned on him! Thanks for linking up to #Whatevertheweather 🙂 x
What a great idea to do drawing outside as well as in. Our little one used to try and lick crayons but now she is older she never tries to anymore and colouring is her favourite thing to do. It’s so lovely seeing the difference in both their pictures. It’s crazy how different drawing is for a 3 year old and 15 months. What a lovely post. Thank you so much for sharing with #whatevertheweather. xx
Aww, it’s lovely to see children drawing and expressing themselves. Both your children look so happy and that number work is great, love the tree too.
Thanks for linking up with #SSAmazingAchievements