Let Kids be Kids linky 12/08/14

The lovely Karen over at Let Kids be Kids is away on holiday this week down in gorgeous Cornwall, and she has asked me to host this week’s Let Kids be Kids linky! I jumped at the chance as this is one of my favourite linkys to join in with!

There are always so many great posts with fab ideas for good old childhood fun, both indoors and outdoors, I always get so much inspiration from everyone’s posts!

We have been loving this summer and having loads of fun with outdoor play lately, although the cooler weather seems to have set in too this weekend with a lot of rain forcing play indoors! Hopefully we still have some summer fun ahead of us yet though 🙂

Right, on to the linky!

This is a linky all about letting kids be kids, getting back to basics and having great childhood fun. We live in such a fast paced modern world with so much technology and stresses round every corner, we often need to be reminded to just ‘play’ and have fun, it’s healthy for us all (yes, that includes you parents!).

Please join Karen (and I) in spreading the word, for encouraging children to step away from the technology for a while and go out, run around, use their imaginations and just have general basic FUN!

There’s not many rules, just link up your posts (screen free), old or new, about genuine childhood fun (of any age). It may be fun outdoors, jumping in puddles, nature hunts, riding bikes or making mud pies. Or it may be fun indoors with arts and crafts, making dens, cooking, messy play or reading. Or how about visiting a farm or fun at a fete. Or a discussion about children growing up too fast, etc.

Whatever basic fun you have been having or discussing, link up and share your ideas, visit others to get inspiration and comment on as many as you can to give each other encouragement and support, but most importantly, HAVE FUN!

This linky will open every Tuesday for 6 days, so there’s plenty of time to add your posts.

Please spread the word and grab the badge below!


If you tweet me your link (@BecomingaSAHM), I will happily retweet.

8 thoughts on “Let Kids be Kids linky 12/08/14

  1. Pingback: Let kids be kids linky 12/8/14 - Let Kids Be Kids | Let Kids Be Kids

  2. Pingback: A visit to Exeter Cathedral | Life (as we know it)

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