It’s hard to believe but our little lady is almost a 2 year old. She is growing up so fast lately and while I normally just do an update every 2 months, she has already changed so much in the last month that I want to record it all, as I can see her being very different again by the time she turns 2 next month.
The most important thing I want to record is her speech. As with last month she is chattering away constantly and she obviously means what she says (even if we haven’t a clue) but there are more and more recogniseable words and they are so adorable. She says ball, shoe, chick, chair, share, book, hat and “it’s too hot” in addition to “I wan dat” and “It’s all wet.” She also makes some amazing animal sounds, for a long time she has done a great lions roar (and a fab pirate’s arrrr, thanks to her pirate loving big brother) but she now makes fab noises for sheep, cows and pigs too. She even mooed at a van that had a picture of a cow on the other day haha. She also loves numbers, and though the only recognisable one is 2 she loves to imitate counting, pointing at things and saying ah, two, bar, jee, da. She’s also very cute with hide and seek and she loves joining in with that. She doesn’t really even cover her eyes properly but loves counting then looking for people haha.
Much as I haven’t been in a rush for her to start talking (as I know she won’t stop when she’s started) I will be glad to say goodbye to the grunts and whines to indicate what she does or doesn’t want!
She has shot up recently too and I think I was in denial about how much until I put her in a pair of leggings that only reached her mid calf haha. Definitely growing up. We’ve had some interesting time with clothes in the last month though. Largely due to the heatwave we had she spent a lot of time running round in the back garden naked and enjoying the paddling pool… Which has led to a slight aversion to clothes. She just doesn’t want to get dressed at all some days, and spends ages trying to pull them off. Thankfully she hasn’t mastered that skill yet as it definitely isn’t warm enough for nudity anymore!
She also has a serious aversion to shoes at the moment. I’ve had her feet measured about 3 times in the last month and keep checking her toenails to see if there’s a problem as she just keeps moaning about them and wanting them off! With her boots and wellies she can get them off herself and no matter how many times I’ve put them back on they have come off again so she has spent a lot of time running around our local area in socks I’m afraid. With her actual shoes she is less good at getting them off herself so thankfully I can get her to keep them on.
One thing she doesn’t have an aversion too is a good hat though. For my little lady shoes may be optional but oh a hat is essential haha. She rarely leaves the house without a hat on or a hood up, regardless of how weather appropriate her choice is hehe. She does look cute in a hat though so she gets away with it!
Another repercussion from all the nudity was that she started weeing a lot in the paddling pool. As our girl has never liked being in a wet nappy and now walls around holding her crotch and moaning if she has done a wee, we thought we would try and introduce the potty. She basically sat on it for a bit then got up and wandered into the paddling pool to do a wee. She does the same in the bath now. We have a special seat for the loo and she likes to sit on it before bathtime at night. But she just sits on it then gets off and does a wee in the bath haha. So we are trying to pick her up when she starts weeing and put her on the seat as at the moment she clearly has more association with weeing while standing in water than she does with sitting on a potty or a loo. She’s still so little though so I am not in a huge rush. I know many girls are potty trained by around 2 but Monkey wasn’t until he was about 3 1/2 so while we will encourage her I’m not going to push her if she isn’t ready.
Food has been interesting lately. With some absolutely mahoosive meltdowns at the table and the complete refusal of some foods. After eating a cheaper brand of beans at my aunts which were apparently not to her liking, madam now refuses all beans and any meal with them in. Which is such a shame as I used them to encourage her to eat other meals too (not always very successfully mind you but at least she would eat the beans) but not any more. Sometimes it was totally unspecific, she would barely look at the food and the screaming would start. So even food she actually really likes was being refused just for the sake of it almost. Oh and the screaming and the writhing to get down from the table. Such hard work. Other times so will dissect the food that again I know she likes. Pulling it apart or mashing it all up. I try and ignore as long as she is eating something but it is so hard. This last week has been a bit better so I’m hoping the upward trend will continue. I am also comforted by the fact that Monkey was very similar at her age but as at least grown out of it now and with the right encouragement he eats pretty well. So I am hanging on to the hope that this is just a phase that LM will grow out of!
The good news related to food is that she has been doing really well with the move to cutlery. She still eats with her fingers most of the time but when she does use cutlery she is doing so well with it. She’s really got the knack of scooping her brother’s her brother’s leftover porridge out of his bowl and eating our poached egg and toast from Mummy and Daddy’s fork! 🙂
Another big change recently was that we moved her from a cot to a big girl bed. It was something I was really nervous about, but with her brother moving from his toddler bed to a big bed it made sense to do it now. So we made the change and prepared for the worst. Which basically meant hubs was to deal with it while I sat down with a wine glass. We read her story and put her to bed and waited for the inevitable patter of tiny feet getting out of bed again. But they never came. She kicked the wall a bit and wriggled about and went to sleep. For the whole night! I couldn’t believe it! She was still in her bed the next morning and waited for us to come get her before she got out.
I’ve been waiting for the bubble to burst ever since, but it hasn’t. She’s been such a good girl and she just loves that bed and was clearly ready for the move. She fell out a couple of times the next day bless her but even got herself back in the last time. The other issue was that she has discovered the socket next to her bed where the monitor is plugged in so she has turned that off a couple of times. We’ve covered it over though and so far no more problems thankfully. She loves her bed, yay!
Now that her brother has started school it is nice I can concentrate on this little lady a bit more and do things just for her rather than trying to accommodate them both at the same time. I’ve started taking her to a gymnastics group which so far she loves and it’s just lovely seeing her play. Her fine motor skills are really growing and this week she has mastered hanging monkeys from the tree on the monkey games she loves. She was so proud of herself with that!
She’s such a girly girl and given that I’m not I have no idea where she gets it. She loves dolls and playing with people and houses and things. She also massively loves pink and if you sit her down with crayons she will get all the pink ones out and lines them up or just holds on to them which is lovely. She is getting into actually drawing though and is doing really well with holding pens and pencils. She also loves bracelets and bangles and anything sparkly too which is very cute. On the flip side though she absolutely loves climbing and is obsessed with balls, particularly kicking balls at the moment. She’s incredibly active and is constantly wanting to get outside to run, scoot (albeit a bit slowly still) , climb, and she has even wanted to sit on her brother’s bike a lot lately,cheeky madam! She loves books and constantly wants a story to be read to her and as she likes people toys she also loves all her brother’s lego and the little people in particular.
She’s also a massive show off and loves attention. Whenever any family comes round she gets hugely excited and goes into serious show off mode, being ultra cute and running around like a loon. She’s already learning to love the school run too for the attention she gets from other mums in the playground while we wait to pick her up. She adores all Monkey’s friends too and desperately wants their attention to… Which they usually give her haha. Her extremely loud greeting hasn’t changed either and she does it to anyone she is happy too see or wants attention from now. Loud girl! (See this post to hear for yourself!)
On the whole I think she is doing so so well and while she drives me potty at times with the toddler tantrums and whinyness I do generally adore her and I can’t quite believe my baby girl is going to be 2 soon!
Oh bless her, what a lovely post and adorable photos. It’s amazing that age between about 18 months and about 2 1/2 years where they go from saying virtually nothing to bossing you about in full sentences. I think it’s fascinating to hear the new words they come out with every day until suddenly they’re talking perfectly. How wonderful that you’ve got those cute speech quirks and changes to come every day for the next few months.
They grow up so fast! She’s gorgeous – Love her in that b&w dress too! #ftmob
Aww so cute how quickly they change! I can massively relate to the fussy eating and am very impressed about your move to the big girls bed, my daughter is two and I’m holding it off as long as possible. And potty training and anything that requires too much effort! x #maternitymondays
OH what a lovely little girl you have – she is adorable. Pots like these are so important as you are recording all the important milestones. #maternitymondays
Gorgeous update on LM at 23 months – I can’t believe that she is nearly two! Lovely that she is saying some more words now and I love the photos of her counting and playing hide and seek. The refusing to eat things stage is so frustrating, isn’t it – Sophie has been doing the same at the moment and I’m hoping it is just a phase. Love that LM always wants to wear a hat or a hood – she does look adorable in them all! Thanks for linking up to #ftmob 🙂
What a lovely update, she looks so much like you in that first picture Caroline. They do grow up so fast between 18 months and 2 don’t they, I can see it in the pictures. love the picture of her face holding the food (top left) her face says it all, great that she is getting a bit better at eating again and I hope you are not too stressed about it. She is so cute and I can not believe she is almost 2. Thank you for linking with #MaternityMondays
Bless, it is so wonderful when they start speaking. And you get to have these little chats with them. You mentioning animal sounds reminds me that my little one for a while would answer everything with an oink… Too much Peppa Pig 😀
Brilliant that the move to the big girl bed went well! #ftmob
I can’t believe she is almost two, where has that time gone? she is so adorable and it sounds like her speech is really tumbling along now. What a delight she is #ShareWithMe
Sorry #SmallStepsAmazingAchievements
It’s amazing how quickly they pick up speech and language once they start putting two words together that’s it they become like sponges! Love the hats!! x
She’s so cute! It’s amazing how fast time goes by. Our girls have just started school, yet it seems like only yesterday they were babies in my arms! #ToddlerApprovedTuesday
Pingback: #MaternityMondays, October 3rd 2016 | Farmer's Wife and Mummy
I so wish I’d done something like this with mine, my youngest is 18 months now and I don’t know where the time has gone.
Girls go through a massive language explosion somewhere between 2 – 2 1/2 yrs and it’s amazing to witness.
My kids would go barefoot all day long if I let them but I have to insist on shoes when we’re out.
Thanks for linking to #ToddlerApprovedTuesday
I love reading your posts about Little Miss as it’s nice to read what Little E is doing is actually the norm. They both sound so much alike apart from the fact that we don’t do dolls. We also had a thing about wet nappies but that has stopped again. Little E also loves numbers and can count to 20. I haven’t done a update since she was two so really must do one. We also have a thing for hats. Little Miss is such a sweetie, I hope she has an amazing birthday.
Thanks for linking up with Small Steps Amazing Achievements :0)