#MaternityMondays Week 2

Welcome back to #MaternityMondays! Hosted by myself and Emma over at Farmers Wife & Mummy, where you can link up any posts about your pregnancy, babies, being on maternity leave or about weaving your way through the minefield that is parenting. It is open to dad’s too, we just like the alliteration of #MaternityMondays 🙂

Thank you so much to all you lovely bloggers who linked up last week, we were thrilled to see so many of you join us for our first week and loved reading all of your posts! As Emma was hosting last week here are her favourites from last week:

“Another Bun wrote a great post about her birth plan for a caesarean. It was such a refreshing change to see someone do that as I always worried a c-section meant no plans.

 Another refreshing post was from Gym Bunny Mummy who says breast isn’t always best for everyone. Having struggles with my first child, I totally know where she is coming from. 

 The Life of Wife was packing her hospital bag for baby number 2 so that is always worth a read-even if you have had a baby before. There were a couple of things on her list that weren’t on mine so I will be checking them off against each other.”

This last week has felt like a long one in our house. Hubby has been back at work so we have been trying to get back to a bit of a normal routine… which with a 2 1/2 month old who likes changing her routine every few days, really isn’t that easy! We’ve also had a big proud mummy moment as Monkey started playgroup, so I am linking up my post about that.

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting. It is my turn to host this week and I am really looking forward to reading your posts!

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @BecomingaSAHM and @EmmaLander2


2 thoughts on “#MaternityMondays Week 2

  1. Pingback: @ NCT Shared Parental Leave Session - Adventures of a Novice Mum

Thanks for taking the time to write something. I love comments and read every one xx

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