The clue is in the title really but Monkey loves kicking up leaves! My regime of making sure I tire him out enough to nap well and sleep well is working and involves a lot of time wandering about outdoors. Actually I think that was just a blip as his naps are basically back to normal now, yay! Sorry, sidetracked, yes lots of time walking outdoors. When my mum (Nanny) and I first showed him kicking up the leaves he looked at us like we had gone mad, but lately he loves it! As you can see in the pictures 🙂
Not much else to say about it is there really! So cute though! In fact I am finding this to be such a cute age. I have pretty much thought that at every age but his personality is really developing now and he is such a funny little monkey. He’s playing so much more independently, babbling away constantly (though still no words) and just chuckles and grins all the time!
So many lovely photos! Autumn is such a beautiful season with little ones – leaves, conkers, acorns – loads of fun to be had out there
Thanks Jocelyn, yep Autumn is one of my favourite times of year, the air is crisp and the colours are gorgeous. I’ve so been looking forward to having fun with monkey in the autumn, and look forward to lots more fun as he gets older.