On Friday morning hubby and I left the house at about 8.15am and headed off to Hereford for a wedding. Monkey? Monkey stayed at home, in the care of his Nanny & Pops! This was quite a big deal for us. Before we had Monkey and when he was a tiny baby we had grand ideas about leaving him with the grandparents fairly regularly so he would get used to it from a young age and it wouldn’t be a big deal.
In reality things didn’t quite work out as we planned (when does it ever, with babies?). Colic didn’t help matters and I always found leaving him behind difficult when breastfeeding – having to express extra milk before the event, trying to ensure he would drink out of bottles, having to find somewhere quiet to express your engorged boobs while at an event (trying not to get any on your fancy outfit) to relieve the pain. Not simple or stress free, in my personal opinion. We did manage a couple of days like this but didn’t actually have any events or plans far away, requiring an overnight stay, when he was very little so always came home for the night.
We tried as he was a bit older and he did stay away for the night at about 11 months old, as we had a party for my 30th birthday. Unfortunately things didn’t go well and hubby had to disappear off to help Nanny and Pops and calm a baby having a meltdown. He did leave Monkey there for the rest of the night but Nanny & Pops bless them were a bit scared off by this (I can’t blame them) and we all decided we would wait until he was a bit older before trying again.
Again though we really haven’t had any events since that have needed both of us to be away from him. Hubby and I have both had nights away since then but the other parent has always been able to stay home with Monkey. We have had evenings out together but always come home again that night. Not so this time though, as we were both determined to go to this wedding, and let’s face it, Monkey is a lot older than he was the last time we tried and so we hoped for the best, but it has been a big step for all of us.
Thankfully Monkey has been getting more and more independent lately (fantastic timing!!) and has been happily spending time with Nanny & Pops during the day and we hoped he would take it in his stride. And that is exactly what he did. We told him what was going to happen a few times in the days before, and he seemed pretty ok about it. The day came and he waved us off with a bye Mummy, bye Daddy and continued playing with his Nanny & Pops.
By all accounts he barely noted our absence and had a lovely time with Nanny & Pops. They went to a nearby country park, rode the train, fed the ducks and had a whale of a time. He napped well, was a good boy at bath and bedtime (not always guaranteed, even with us) and apparently they heard him say to himself at bedtime (through the monitor) “Daddy Home Soon.” (Note that Mummy never even got a mention lol!) And that was it!
We came home around 1pm the next day and they had had another lovely day out. He was happy to see us but was still playing with his Nanny & Pops a lot while we chatted about how our days had been. He certainly hasn’t been acting any differently since we came home either so we can safely say it went off without a hitch! Yay!! My parents loved it too and kept saying they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I was thanking my Mum profusely as I was so grateful and relieved it had gone well, and she “I know we have done you a favour but we loved every minute and can’t wait to do it again!”
Phew! Though it does amuse me slightly that we have overcome this hurdle with him…. right before baby no.2 arrives. So sadly it doesn’t mean lots of relaxing weekends off for hubby and I, not for a while anyway!
So lovely that you both managed a much needed night off together. Great that monkey had a lovely time. At least you know he will be ok if you wanted to have one night just bonding with baby x
It was lovely and definitely a good sign for when baby comes! xx
Such great news Caroline and good boy Monkey! But yes, I recognise that feeling of of being back to square one as baby 2 arrives. Even now EJ is two I don’t feel comfortable asking my parents to have them both over night. My mum often says she can happily cope with one at a time but both together is too much 🙁 Mind you she’s 69 now and EJ still needs to be picked up sometimes and chased and tantrums dealt with – with physical restraint if danger is involved. I just hope they feel it’s more manageable once EJ is out of the toddler years. This is one very good reason not to have a third child 🙂 X
Thanks Same he did so well, such a relief! Hmm i can understand that but it is difficult isn’t it? I am definitely with you on hoping it gets easier after the toddler years.. and that being a fab reason not to go for no.3!! With you all the way on that one at the mo!! xx
So good and if we are honest essential for a couple to get time together to call each other by their real names rather than Mummy and Daddy. So pleased it went well for you. The faces of the grandparents say it all – special memory-making
It really is so important isn;t it? But easy to forget and never make it happen! So glad they all had a lovely time too! xx
Glad you got to enjoy the wedding & that monkey was good as gold! Makes it so much easier xx #mmwbh
Thank you it really does, huge weight off myy mind knowing he was happy 🙂 xx
Hubby and I haven’t really managed this very often! We’re finally getting to the point where we might be able to again, now that the wee girl is old enough. So glad it went well and you had a lovely night away. But, yes, Sod’s law that it’s just before baby no. 2 arrives 🙂
It’s so difficult with age and timings really isn’t it, and must be even harder when family life far away! Hope you and hubs manage some time away soon 🙂 xx
Lovely that it worked out this time. It is always refreshing to have some time away for yourselves. It sounds like Monkey had a great time too.
Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids
Yeah it was great and such a relief that he had fun too! xx
I think the best thing you did was prepare him for it. It’s great that he’s happy to stay with grandma and grandad, good for you 🙂
Thank you, we have def been preparing him for it for a while and it really paid off! xx
Sounds like he had a brilliant time with his Grandparents! My boys love stopping at their Nan’s house however my youngest hates it. It is lovely just getting a few hours of peace and quiet though. Hope you manage to get another break before baby comes!
Thanks for linking up to MMWBH over on In My Bubble this week!
He did have sucha great time and it really is lovely getting a bit of us time occasionally! thank you for hosting! xx
I’m glad Monkey had a lovely time and you had a little break. Our kids love going to the grandparents for the night, it’s an adventure for them #familyfriday
Thank you, it was lovely and he really did enjoy it too which was fab! xx
Glad to hear it all went well. I was never a massive fan of leaving the kids overnight with others. Thanks for linking up again. #FamilyFriday
Thank you, we were so glad it went well! xx
How fab that you and OH got some time away and Monkey enjoyed himself so much.
Hope you get another snippet of “couple time” before No 2 arrives, thanks for linking up with #SSAmazingAchievements
Jeannette @autismmumma
fantastic news! This is definitely something to celebrate. I think it’s good for you all to have a break now and again – something that hopefully you’ll be able to repeat on a regular basis from now on ;). Thanks for linking up to #loudnproud.
Thank you, hope so!! xx
That must have been a relief it all went well and they enjoyed themselves so much. Would you believe we didn’t leave our kids together until less than a year ago – when they were 12, 9 and 7?! They had always spent days with my parents while I was at work and I just felt it was too much to leave them overnight with my parents when they already did so much – and looking after three kids isn’t easy! Even three big kids.
Wow, that is a long wait but totally understandable too! I imagine 3 big kids definitely aren’t easy to look after!! xx
A well deserved break away my lovely, glad you’ve done it now! Apart from having babies #2 and #3, the only time we’ve left the girls was this summer for a wedding xx #loudproud
It’s always lovely to have some time off, especially with life about to get busier again. I think it’s good for the children too – encourages them to be a bit less dependent. Our two boys stayed at their grandparents’ for three nights recently and loved it!
I bet your parents loved it and well done you for getting a break. Sadly I don’t have that option as there is no one at hand to have Monkey overnight but can imagine it must be bliss once in a while #loudnproud
We are so lucky to have grandparents that can, and want to help! It was deifnitely blissful! xx
Well done for managing to get-away without your little Monkey. I envy you guys! We have yet to manage a day-out let alone night-away from our little one 🙁 Soon! #LoudnProud
thank you, it is so difficult isn’t it? Hope you do manage soon! xx
Delighted that you had a much needed and deserved night off, well done Monkey x