An ‘Okay’ week

Our word of the week this week is “okay.” Not because it necessarily sums up our week, though it has been an ok week (you can read some of what we have been up to here), but because it is Monkey’s favourite word at the moment. It basically replaces yes.

The funniest thing about it is that he says it with the voice of a bored teenager, like “okaaaaay” if you insist mum, if I have to, if you really want to. Even though I know what he means is Yes! Yes! Yes!

A few examples

Shall we go on the swing? “Okaaaay” while running off clapping his hands

Him: “Chocat” Me: You’d like some chocolate? Him: “okaaay” Me: Sorry but no.

After jumping excitedly trying to play with the truck I had tried to hide (that he really loves but gets frustrated with, and drives me potty) but he has found. “Would you like to play with the truck?” “Okaaay”  while still jumping excitedly.

Where has he got it from? Could he possibly have picked up the inflection from Mummy and Daddy reluctantly agreeing to play Play-Doh with him for the bazillionth time?? Okaaay we’ll go and play Play’doh… again. 😉

The other words this week could have been chocolate, cake and kityet (monkey’s word for biscuits) not because we have eaten them particularly but because he asks for them about 50 times a day! He is very optimistic bless him hehe

Not really related but I thought I would share this little piccy from our “Okaaay” week. Monkey’s Uncle Simon was off work so we popped round to his house for a play one morning. Monkey had a lovely time and I got this little snap of them together, which I just think is adorable.


The Reading Residence
Family Photo Friday @ Thursday's Child, Friday's Thoughts

20 thoughts on “An ‘Okay’ week

  1. When they find a word they like, they can’t help but use it as often as they can-especially if they think it will get them results! Loving his optimism with cake and chocolate 🙂

  2. Awww, how lovely. It’s sweet when the get fixated on a word or a phrase! My monkey keeps saying: ‘Should be…’ in answer to questions. I have no idea where he got that from! We spell out the words when we’re refering to cake etc, as we don’t want him to pick up on them! #WotW

    • Aww that’s lovely haha yeah we spell it out a lot too but he has still managed to pick it up! Oh well 🙂 xx

  3. I love his optimism – in combination with a teenage okay it sounds hilarious! I love when they have a favourite word and it comes out in answer to everything; it’s such a short phase but so funny while it lasts!

    • haha I know, very optimistic. I know what you mean, I am sure it wont last long but I am enjoying it at the moment!

  4. Aw how cute! I love how they get attached to words and say them again and again. At the minute my little girl is saying “all gone”, when she loses something when shes finished eating or drinking or when she wants to play with something else.

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