Playing with friends – 27 months

Monkey made a really lovely big step last week, and one I am really proud of. All babies and toddlers start off playing pretty independently from other children, sort of sid by side, without interacting with them. Monkey has always been particularly wary of other kids, especially after a knock earlier this year. He has been getting a lot better and there have been signs of improvement over the past few months. For example he stopped launching himself off the side of a climbing frame whenever he saw another child nearby!

Pretty much every week we meet up dor a play date with my friend S and her little girl E, who is almost exactly a year older than Monkey. They get on pretty well for the most part though do bicker and snatch toys from each other at times. E though has been very excited by the development of Monkey’s speech over the past few months, often exclaiming “he can nearly talk as good as I can!!”

There has just been little more signs of interaction between them over the last few weeks and then last week they really actually played together. They were lying on the edge of the ‘baby’ zone in the soft play and after watching E roll of a few times (making Monkey chuckle a lot) they then started counting together and trying to roll off at the same time. Sometimes they managed it, other times they were way out of sync, but they were taking it in turns counting down and really trying to do it together.



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WP_20140903_12_24_36_ProThey looked so cute playing together S and I really had a moment! E is a really sociable little girl and loves playing with other kiddies whereas Monkey has always been much more reserved. We spend so much time together and S was as proud of Monkey as I was. It may seem small but actually a huge step for him and one fo the many signs recently about how much he is growing up and getting more independent from me. Just so lovely 🙂


Ethans Escapades
Super Busy Mum

31 thoughts on “Playing with friends – 27 months

  1. Aw what a lovely little moment you’ve captured! 🙂 it’s lovely to see kids play happily, mini loves other kids but at playgroup has encountered some less than friendly reactions too :/ hoping over the next few months and a new group she will interact with others more too.

  2. Lovely photos! My son was the same with other children but as soon as he started nursery when he was 3 and now at school he is the most chatty confident little thing with so many different friends. Lovely to see how he’s progressed x #letkidsbekids

  3. Aw, it’s wonderful when they really start to play together with friends and interact. So pleased he has started taking this step, it’s lovely to watch as a parent your child grow in confidence.
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

    • thank you, it is so lovely to see isn;t it? When they break out of their shell just a little bit, makes me so proud of him! xx

  4. Pingback: Small Steps Amazing Achievements – Weds 17th Sept 2014 » AutismMumma

  5. They look like they’re having such a good time together. My little one is a little bit older but still not great at playing with others (she tends to run and hide) but its always great when they suddenly develop the confidence to play together.

    • aww bless her, I am sure she will get there, they all do things at their own pace don;t they? Lovely to see his confidence growing though! xx

  6. This is so fantastic to see. I would love Ethan to have a little friend but it looks like you have this covered. A lovely moment to capture on camera #SSAmazingAchievements

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