My word of the week this week is “reality” because we are very much getting used to the reality of life with a 2 week old baby.
After a very smooth first week, this week has definitely been trickier (I knew I was jinxing myself blogging about it lol!). It hasn’t been terrible bit it is very true when they say that the first days of a baby’s life are not a good indication of how well they will sleep later on!
We are still fairly lucky but aren’t getting 4-5 hour stretches of sleep at night, 3 hour stretches are v much appreciated now as it is often only a couple of hours at a time. So the sleep deprivation is hitting a bit now!
We also seem to have to face up to the reality of possible having another baby with the dreaded C word. Colic. Poor Little Miss has horrible crying jags in the evenings (and sometimes early hours of the morning) where she seems to be in quite a bit of tummy pain. We shall see how things go and are looking at whether anything in my diet may be affecting her… But it feels very reminiscent of Monkey’s colicky days, which really sucks! To he quite honest with you.
Hubs has started his gradual return to work this week too. We are lucky that he can be quite flexible with this and be around to help a bit while I am still recovering… But I am having to face the reality of looking after 2 children on my own for at least a portion of the day. Yesterday was the first day of this and lets just say I was in bed by 8.30 last night while hubs soothed Little Miss. It was tiring!!
Little Miss is doing well, putting on weight and growing really well. Her cord stump finally came off and is healing nicely now. She’s awake a bit more during the day which is lovely.
Monkey is doing ok though he had quite a few tantrums yesterday, he has been loving having his Daddy around all the time (Daddy has become quite the favourite parent) and I’m not sure he liked the reality of him going back to work yesterday. Poor thing but I am sure he will adjust soon enough!
So thats our word of the week, what’s yours?
Bit late but congratulations! Wonderful that she’s here! Are you finding that you remember what life with a newborn was like just a bit too late for it to be of any use? I kept hitting the tough bits with the Girl and thinking: “Oh yes, that phase…” and wishing I’d remembered sooner so I could have been more prepared.
Thanks lovely, it is definitely coming back to us now!! Xx
Wow you look amazing and what a little cutie pie. It is hard and I think you forget-I have *sobs*.
You’re doing a great job I hope I look half as good as you xx
Thanks lovely, that wad a good day, the bags under my eyes have grown substantially since then! Xx
Quite frankly the first 3 months of my son’s life are a blur if I’m honest. I remember watching repeats of The Apprentice and I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here at ungodly hours of the night! I have no idea how I got the three of us up and my daughter in to school, but apparently I did. I hope the colic sorts itself out, not nice xx
I can see these few months being just as blurred! We are working our way through west wing dvds at all hours at the moment!! Xx
Hope you soon get the much-needed-sleep and rest you need! I love babies. I love their smiles, smell and just love being around them 😉 #wotw.
Please do be kind to yourself, yes this initial “reality” is hard hitting but baby is still very young and a routine has yet to be established and I hope your eldest settles down to his new life and family addition soon x
The first few months of a new baby especially when you have a toddler are tough, don’t be too hard on yourself, it is exhausting.
It is hard for the toddler to get used to things too, when my twins came along, my son kept hitting them, until I took action, then it was all fine, so Monkey will settle down soon I’m sure.
I do hope the colic improves. x
Thanks Karen, it is tough but trying to remember its only temporary and it will all get easier, even if that feels a long way off at the mo 🙂 xx
Oh yes, I remember this reality period well! It’s tough with the two of them, and recovering yourself still, too. Like you, I had a C Section with my son and I breastfed, so my body felt like it got no rest at all, but it will get easier, as I’m sure you know. Just make sure the kids are fed and safe, and have no higher expectations on yourself x Thanks for sharing with #WotW xx
Thanks lovely, it definitely isn’t easy but I know its only temporary, just got to get through it, and try to enjoy it a little! Xx
Oh I feel for you with the sleep deprivation and adjusting to life with two – those early weeks with Sophie was so hard but it did gradually get easier. Definitely agree with the other comments about being kind to yourself and go with what works for now – you will get into a new routine gradually. Hope you manage to get some rest over the weekend x
Thank you, always good to know we aren’t the only ones finding it hard! I know it wil gradually get easier, just got to get through it, and try to enjoy it a little I think! Xx
Colic is really tough for baby and parent. You have my sympathy, hope Little Miss doesn’t suffer too much.
I know I’m only repeating what most of the others have said, but those first few months are *such* hard work. Try not to have any expectations lovely. Really hope Little Miss doesn’t have colic. Hugs xxx #WotW
Thanks lovely xxx
Ahh the sleep deprivation is horrible! Hang on in there!….Lovely photo x
An adorable picture of you both – my word of the week is tenacity.
Lizzie’s Daily Blog
Thank you and ooh, good word!! Xx
I’m sorry yu’re only getting a few hours of sleep most nights and that LIttle Miss may be having colic. I really hope your entire family will adjust soon. #WotW
First, I have to say that photo is gorgeous!
The broken sleep is a killer isn’t it 🙁 I do hope that it isn’t colic, keeping my fingers crossed for you x