LM is now 4 months old and for the most part she and Monkey sort of co-exist without really interacting much. For her part she still stares at him as much she can but he is a little whirlwind and ball of energy flying past, barely pausing to give her the occasional smile.
But there are the odd moments of magic which I try and capture. They are fleeting so the photos are not the best but it is nice to capture them nonetheless.
The moment where I sat them side by side on the sofa and one of her hands tickled him prompting a fit of giggles from him while she merely looked perplexed.
The moment where she was propped on the sofa and he ran over to take her hand and tell her she is his best friend (yes my heart melted!) and give her tummy a tickle.
The moment he decided he wanted the phone she was looking at, but (after a little conversation about sharing toys) decided she was allowed to play with his Percy train.
The times he wants to see what she is up to on her playmat and lies down alongside her.
The moment where he ‘helped’ her play with the toys on the jumperoo, and said “Well done” when she turned it herself.
The moment when we were sat taking family selfies on the bed, where he kissed her, cuddled her, told her she was his best friend…then started patting her on the head saying “it’s a drum!” (Massively cute moment that ended with Mummy in a fit of giggles!)
The last few weeks have been tricky with a lot of illness and chicken pox and I have struggled at times to meet both of their needs with the added complications of poorliness. But we have survived and I am grateful to have my lovely happy children back and I look forward to seeing them grow together, and catching more of these lovely moments :).
Aw! Adorable as always! And you just made me snort with laughter about his ‘drum’ comment – and this on a day when the solo parenting has left me literally weeping by 6pm! So thank you (and Monkey!) for putting a smile back on my face 🙂 Xx
Thanks lovely and sorry to hear it’s been such a tough day! Solo parenting often has that effect on me too! Glad we were able to put a smile on your face, honestly cracked me up at the time 🙂 xx
Ah, so many gorgeous moments and photos captured. I love that Monkey had to run over and tell LM she was his best friend, adorable! x
Thanks lovel, I know, totally melted my heart! xx
What lovely siblings moments. It does sound like our house with one of them running around all over the place! I love that she is his best friend, that’s so lovely x
I love the story about the selfie – bless him. How cute that they are best friends.
Lizzie Dripping
Thanks hon, I know he is such a cutie! xx
Aww so cute! It must be lovely watching them slowly start interacting! Love that he used her head as a drum! I’m sure there’ll be that and more in the future! #ftmob
it really is sweet and i am looking forward to seeing them interact more over the coming months and years! xx
This is such a sweet, refreshing post Caroline! I love the fact his little sister is his best friend. xx
Thank you lovely, I know me too, such a cutie! xx
Awww a beautiful post =) And some fantastic pictures too. Too cute.
Glad you are through the illness stage and enjoying your lovely children again. You can see a wonderful bond growing there. #MagicMoments
Oh, I love this, how wonderful to see them interacting and for Monkey to be so sweet with her x #siblings
Oh that’s such a lovely post. Small people can be such hard work that it’s so nice when you can see their friendship growing. I did laugh at “it’s a drum” too!
Such a sweet post hon, love the drum comment! Long may the bestie relationship continue xxx
Awww very sweet! It’s lovely to see their relationship growing.
How adorable are they both! There is something truly magical about the bond between siblings,
My two are exactly the same.
Lovely captures x
Such beautiful moments – I love the way that Monkey tells LM that she is his best friend and the ‘it’s a drum’ moment. So glad that you are all better again now. Thank you for linking up to #ftmob 🙂
It is so difficult when little ones are able to interact much with older siblings but before you know it they will be causing mischief together.
So beautiful, I treasure these kinds of moments with my two also 🙂 #magicmoments