Monkey, like most little ones, has always loved music. A while ago I wrote a post about how he used to sing songs in his head, before he could actually sing the words, it was so cute!
Since his speech development has come on so rapidly lately, we have been waiting to see when this would lead to singing, and he has not disappointed.
Before he could speak, Wind the Bobbin was one of his favourite songs to dance along with, so it came as no surprise when he started singing it, after a fashion. This short video was taken at his Uncle Simon’s house, months ago actually, I just never got round to posting it!
A but rudimentary but very much wind, wind, pull, pull, clap clap clap. He did eventually sing he rest of the song too, but it has to be said, this is no longer a favourite of his to sing!
He loves a microphone toy now and was playing with one in the back of the car a few weeks ago when suddenly hubs and I heard him crooning away into it. Up until now he has just spoken into it, and not used actual words either, mainly a ga ga, which was was his favourite pre-words phrase. I missed the best bit of his singing (you never have a camera on them all the time) but this was still cute.
I think he was singing something about going to the seaside? Bless him hehe.
Just a cute little step to record for posterity 🙂
how cute, it is lovely when they start singing 🙂
How sweet! It’s really adorable when toddlers sing, especially with words only they can understand 🙂
he’s trying to sing so much more now and it is dead cute to see, and hear! xx
So cute – I love when children sing 🙂
Lizzie’s Daily Blog
it’s so cute isn;t it? before they get too inhibited and worry about what other people think of them!
All three of our kids started singing at a similar age and it’s one of the loveliest sounds to hear. Now all three of them sing songs from Frozen at every given opportunity, I’m not so sure … 🙂
hahaha love it, it is very cute now but I can imagine having 3 of them singing may get a bit noisy! 🙂 xx
Always good to record these milestones for posterity! It is lovely to hear kids sing.
It’s so cute when they start loving to sing and wind the bobbin up is a mandatory classic :). Thanks for linking up to #LoudnProud
Aww how lovely, love hearing little voices! Thanks for linking up with #SSAmazingAchievements 🙂
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Love this, Ethan loves singing (we can’t understand it) but it is something he does with his grandparents in their car. What a great moment to capture on video. I need to do this so I can remember it #SSAmazingAchievements
I am trying to get more little videos because I know I will never remember it and it is such a cute age! xx
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