It seems that Spring is springing into action at the moment doesn’t it? We have had some lovely sunny days and some have actually been really quite warm too which makes a lovely change. Saturday was one of those days, and with the sun shining, Monkey’s Chicken Pox clearing up and some bluebells to plant from Hub’s Dad we spent some time enjoying the sunshine in the back garden.
Monkey loves a good dig in the mud and Daddy likes to put him to work… though unfortunately he always ends up targeting plants rather than weeds and there is one that we are hoping has survived being attacked by Monkey’s trowel…
While Hubs and Monkey were planting I was doing a bit of pruning, dead heading and leaf raking that we didn’t get round to in the autumn (we aren’t the best gardeners in the world!) and enjoying the signs of spring. The crocuses and daffodils blooming in the front garden..
and the buds on one of our new trees (we got these in the sale in August, already marked down to £15 which we thought was a bargain they actually only cost about £8 each), this one looks like it is going to be beautiul once it is in bloom!
Then we had a lovely moment watching some Bees collecting Nectar from the crocuses talking about how Bees make Honey, was very cute!
With yet another week of illness (my turn now) I am hoping that Spring will bring some better health along with the sunnier weather so this week my word is Spring.
Monkey looks like he is having a wonderful time helping in the garden and I love your photo of the crocuses – so pretty. Hope the plants survived Monkey’s enthusiastic digging! 🙂
Thanks lovely, I hope so too! xx
It’s so lovely to have some warmish weather back isn’t it? Really gets everyone motivated to head out in the garden and get planting!.
And I am showing my husband this post so he can see it is possible to garden without showing a builders bum in the process !
Thanks for joining in again lovely x
Haha this really made me laugh Annie! I have to admit I did check this shot to ensure there was no builders bum visible hehe it is lovely to get out there again in the spring so thank you for hosting this lovely linky 🙂 xx
Those little purple flowers are so pretty – great to see the kids getting involved too.
Lizzie Dripping
It’s great when children join in but oh yes it’s worrying when they’re exuberance for taking out weeds also means some flower buds disappear alongside!
The picture of the crocuses are just so delicate and pretty
Love the enthusiasm out in the garden of your little man. Also glad I’m not the only one that doesn’t keep on top of garden jobs! 🙂
Fab pics Caroline, Monkey is really enjoying his Daddy time 🙂 I love Spring, it’s so full of hope and positivity isn’t it? Have a great weekend xxx
Aww lovely photos! Your garden looks great! Monkey looks like he’s having fun (daddy too). I also am really looking forward to warmer weather! It’s so bright and happy! Hope you feel better soon too. One after another eh? ️Xx #wotw
It’s lovely to see children get so involved in the garden. I love how the early bees are covering themselves in crocus pollen at the moment.
It’s definitely springing into spring isn’t it, and isn’t it welcome? Those crocuses are beautiful, and I wouldn’t worry about not getting everything done – I think even if I could garden as much as I wanted to in a week, there’d always be something else to do so now I accept that’s how it is! 🙂 #hdygg
Lovely to see spring is on the way. Lovely pics of Monkey helping in the garden 🙂
I’m hoping to get out for the day in our garden tomorrow and get it spruced up ready for spring. I do hope it is just round the corner now, and I hope you’re feeling better soon x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
I have garden envy! I dont have a garden =(
This is such a nice post. I have been meaning on doing some pot gardening but cant cuz of the weather but once it cleared up again I will start planting as well =)
Aw, so nice to see a Monkey gardening 🙂
It looks like you all had a wonderful time in the garden!
I hope you feel better soon x
This is the time to be out enjoying the garden, I love how the new growth is coming through and the spring flowers here on the farm. Weeds and plants are all very confusing at Monkey’s age but great to have him out with you. Thank you for sharing your lovely gardening photos on Country Kids.
You have some colour appearing-all your hard work in the garden is definitely playing off now. I do hope the plant survives Monkey’s troweling too 🙂
It’s been lovely hasn’t it? Your photo’s are just lovely! So nice to see Monkey so involved and happy x
Oh no! We’ve all been ill here too! Roll on the better weather! The garden looks like it’s looking great!
Yay spring is certainly on the way! Glad you’ve had some good time in the garden.
Great #wotw xx
What a lovely activity to do together. We are not gardeners we only have grass x
beautiful flowers and looks like the guys had such fun. hope everyone is feeling better now.
How wonderful to have some warmer weather! We could do with some of that 🙂 Sorry for very late commenting, one of those weeks, hope that everyone is fully recovered now x
I bet you could, still looks decidedly cold where you are! Xx
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