#MaternityMondays week 17

Welcome to week 17 of #MaternityMondays! i just looked back at the last few posts and I clearly got very muddled about what week we were on… so I am pretty sure we are on 17 now :S Thanks so much to all you lovely bloggers who are continuing to link up very week, I am loving our little community, celebrating the joys (and sharing the challenges) of pregnancy, life with babies and motherhood in general.

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#MaternityMondays week 15

Welcome to week 15 of #MaternityMondays! Thanks so much to all you lovely bloggers who are continuing to link up very week, I am loving our little community, celebrating the joys (and sharing the challenges) of pregnancy, life with babies and motherhood in general. I am finding myself really excited each week now to see if we have any more babies being welcomed into the world! I know a lot of you are very close now!!

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#MaternityMondays week 15

Welcome to week 14 of #MaternityMondays! Thanks so much to all you lovely bloggers who are continuing to link up very week, I am loving our little community, celebrating the joys (and sharing the challenges) of pregnancy, life with babies and motherhood in general. I am finding myself really excited each week now to see if we have any more babies being welcomed into the world! I know a lot of you are very close now!!

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#MaternityMondays week 12

Welcome to Week 12 of #MaternityMondays! Thank you so much to all our lovely linkers from last week, I loved our little Mother’s Day special and there was some gorgeous Mother’s Day themed posts in addition to some also fabulous #MaternityMondasy posts

As Emma and I co-hosted last week across the four days we thought we would both share our favourites from you all. We both loved reading your fantastuc posts. Emma Says:

“This amazing piece from 23 Week Socks documents the Thank Yous she feels she should have said to all the people who helped her after the birth of her baby. It is a documentary of the tough time she experienced because of depression and it really is an inspiration. Other mums will really be helped by this post because it shows, even in the darkest of days, you are not alone and there really are people out there who can help you.

My other favourite was from Treasure Every Moment with her 36 week pregnancy update. Things are hotting up and all the final things to do are coming together. I can’t wait to read all about another #MaternityMondays baby.”

And for me, I loved reading some of the lovely tributes to some fantastic Mummies out there and a few posts definitely bought a tear to my eye – soppy woman that I am these days! Another Bun started me off with a gorgeous post about what Mother’s Day means to her and then TwinMummy&Daddy shared such a beautiful poignant post about a Mum and Grandma who is sadly no longer around, and explaining why to her Grandchildren, and, well that was it for me!

This week has been difficult, we think LM is teething (though when do you really know, unless a tooth appears?) and she has been pretty miserable…. which makes Hubs and I miserable. What has cheered me up though was writing her little 5 month update, and realising it isn’t all misery, and I do know her, even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes when she is inconsolable and I don’t know what to try next! So this week I am sharing that happy little update of our gorgeous girl with you all.

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

The linky is open Mondays only from 6.30am to midnight.

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @EmmaLander2 and @BecomingaSAHM


#MaternityMondays Week 11 – A Mother’s Day Special

Welcome to Week 11 of #MaternityMondays and a special souped up Mother’s Day edition. With this linky being largely about motherhood we could not let the day celebrating and appreciating Mums pass us by without a bit of a mention. So here it is and this week #MaternityMondays is open longer than usual, from 6.30am Sunday to Midnight on Wednesday.

Feel free to link up any normal #MaternityMonday posts but we would also love to read any Mother’s Day posts too. Be it a celebration of your Mum or Wife (or any special Mum you know), any Mother’s Day crafts or sharing what you got up to on the day, we want to hear about it!

Thanks to all our lovely linkers from last week and thank you all for your support, we love our little community and it is amazing to see all the bump updates every week! You are all really progressing now with lots of lovely babas on their way very soon.

Speaking of which, we had a surprise arrival from Another Bun and the first part of her birth story so reminded me of LM’s early arrival! Huge congratulations to you and your little family and looking forward to reading part 2 about your natural C-Section!

I also loved reading Mama Mim‘s post about things she wish she had done before having children – no matter how much you want kids or how prepared you think you are, the little loves always turn our world upside down and I think many of us could relate to these!

I also really Seeking Adventure‘s roundup of her favourite pregnancy and baby books – there are so many out there and I always think it helps to hear whether they have actually helped someone!

This week, in honour of Mother’s Day I am linking up a little homage to my lovely Mum, including some amusing photos of us from over the years 🙂

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

The linky is open Mondays only from 6.30am to midnight.

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @EmmaLander2 and @BecomingaSAHM


My Lovely Mum

With Mother’s Day approaching I have been feeling a little soppy and nostalgic. Motherhood is hard and I have to admit this past month with all of the illness in our house I have found it especially hard. Don’t you find that being a Mum yourself really makes you appreciate your own Mum all the more? It certainly makes me appreciate my Mum.

It’s been particularly tough with both kids having Chicken Pox lately and it must have been much harder for my Mum as she had Chicken Pox at the same time as my brother and I. I have known this for years but never really appreciated how tough it must have been before. It is hard enough dealing with two kids when you are well, let alone when you are suffering too.

We have always been close, even with the stomping and door slamming of my teenage years, and though we didn’t always get on so well living together when I came home from Uni (not an easy transition), as long as we aren’t living in the same house and both have our own space we get on really well. We have been through some tough times, with the death of my Dad and her fight with Breast Cancer a year later. But we’ve also had some amazing times including a week in New York on the start of my world travels and her wedding to my ovely Step-Dad (Pops). She set me up on the blind date with my lovely Hubs and is a wonderful Nanny to my kiddies. She helps us out so much with the kids, mostly because I know she just loves being their Nanny!

I’m not very good at sentimental writing, and I certainly can’t write a poem but here is a little photo tribute to my lovely Mum on Mother’s Day, I could not appreciate and love her more. (I could have used some very dodgy shots of us both from over the years but chose to be kind to both of us – note the jump from toddler photos straight to adult ones lol!)

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Thanks for being fab Mum 🙂

Share the Joy linky at bodfortea.co.uk


#Maternity Mondays week 10

Welcome to #MaternityMondays week 10! Wow 10 weeks already! Thank you all for your support so far, we love this little linky – celebrating all aspects of pregnancy and parenthood.

I’m feeling a bit soppy this week. After a few weeks of horrible illness, Monkey is looking more like himself again. His chicken pox spots are fading and we had lovely fun in the garden yesterday which brought a bit of colour back to his cheeks. Both of the kiddies have been pretty poorly recently and with them both well and smiley again I think I am just relieved and remembering how lucky I am to have such gorgeous happy kiddies. I love being their Mummy, it’s the hardest thing I have ever done at times but definitely the best and I adore them both.

I’m also a bit under the weather myself now which may be contributing to all this soppiness! But I am feeling much less exhausted than last week and looking forward to hosting again this week. I am hugely grateful to Emma for taking the reins last week and here is what she had to say about your posts.

“My favourite posts from last week were this one from Little Hearts Big Love. It was about natural caesarean births and wow, it sounded so much calmer and, well, more natural from what I experienced.

Run Jump Scrap‘s offering was a lovely ‘count your blessings’ post about how, in our bust lives we can all forget what good things we have. It certainly made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

My other favourite was from Dietician’s Life with advice for parents whose children won’t eat veg. With a four year old, I’ve been through many eating phases and children, toddlers especially, can be strange little creatures who can love carrots one day and the next, regard them like something the dog coughed up. Here are some very exciting ways to sneak veg into your child’s diet. For me, the beetroot-pink pancakes are just amazing.”


Next week is Mother’s Day and there will be a special #MaternityMondays linky which will open on Mother’s Day (Sunday) and run until Wednesday. In addition to your normal bump updates and other Motherhood posts we would love to read any Mother’s Day related posts – be it a homage to your Mum or Wife, some Mother’s Day crafts or how your kids showed their appreciation for you on Mother’s Day.

I also have a little Mother’s Day giveaway running at the moment where you could win a £50 E-Voucher for Custom Canvas, be sure to check it out!

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

The linky is open Mondays only from 6.30am to midnight.

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @EmmaLander2 and @BecomingaSAHM


#MaternityMondays week 9

Welcome to #MaternityMondays week 9!

The last week has not been an easy one for us with a lot of illness going on and as such blogging has taken a bit of a back seat for me over the last week or so. Fingers crossed things are improving slightly and I will be able to get back in the saddle a bit more this week. The lovely Emma hosted last week and here is what she had to say about your lovely posts last week.

The Determined Housewife was talking about her blog being her therapy and I can totally relate to that. Maybe the divorce rate would drop if everyone blogged. Well, maybe not but it certainly helps me and The Determined Housewife, it seems.

We had a few pregnancy updates last week and I picked this one from Red Rose Mummy who is on week 24 and yes, it is still making me have bump envy and Huster is still saying no. Oops.

I also really enjoyed reading Loving Life with Little One‘s post on whether her children were too old for comforters. I am firmly in the no camp on this one. I still sleep with my teddy bear now. Yes really.

She is also very kindly hosting for me this week while I get my groove back and recover from a shocking week last week. I am exhausted at the moment so hugely grateful to her,

Now it is over to you! Please grab our badge and share the linky love by commenting on a few other blog posts, it would be lovely if we could grow a little community to share the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

The linky is open Mondays only from 6.30am to midnight.

Don’t forget to tweet your link using #MaternityMondays, and if you tag us in we will retweet, we are @EmmaLander2 and @BecomingaSAHM
