The Magic of Me Time

After a bit of a mopey week last week Hubby offered (very kindly) to give me some time to myself at the weekend and take Monkey out for a bit. On Friday night his mum suggested an outing to a local country house and we agreed that Hubby would take Monkey with them and they would have a lot of fun together, but that I would stay home for a bit of a rest and to do a couple of bits and bobs.

Saturday morning came and in the first few seconds when I woke up, for some reason I thought it was Monday and I groaned inwardly before waking up a little more and realising that no, it was Saturday! Yay! With the sun shining and feeling a bit better after a good evening the night before (my little bro and his girlfriend came round for dinner and we had a lot of fun) I thought I may go with them after all.

But as the morning went on both Hubby and I decided that I should stay home and just have a rest.

So I did.

I had a bath. I straightened my hair (I am so lazy and normally can’t be bothered, I usually either leave it to it’s curly self or tie it in a side plait or something) and read my book. I was going to pop to the shops but realised my purse in the bag hubby had taken, so instead pottered a bit. I did a few jobs, cleaned a bathroom, cleaned the kitchen, did LOADS of laundry, but all interspersed with some good periods of sitting, and reading. I’ve been re-reading a FAB Terry Brooks trilogy about a post-apocalyptic world and I love it so I very much enjoyed that.

Hubby and Monkey came back early afternoon for Monkey’s nap. After a bit of a catch up with the hubby and chat about all the things we have going on at the moment I then popped to the shops (as I then had my purse again). It was lovely just to have a little wander round by myself, not having to worry what chaos Monkey was causing, and bought a couple of mother’s day presents, some trousers for Monkey in the Next sale and a birthday present for one of Monkey’s friends.

Sparkly nails

Sparkly nails

By the time I came home Monkey was just waking up so we sat and had a cuddle, then I left hubs to it and went upstairs, and wait for it, painted my nails! I can’t remember the last time I painted my nails, I may have done them for my brother’s wedding in September, but I’m not 100% sure that I did. It feels like a real luxury to me, but we were off out for dinner with some of hubby’s friends and colleagues that night and thought it would be nice to be a bit girly for a change!

We had a lovely evening out at my favourite restaurant and it felt very nice to just forget about all the niggly worries for a few hours and just be.


The end result, I feel like I have my mojo back a bit. I was very much floundering by the end of last week, losing interest in basically everything outside of a fictional world that I could escape to. I feel a bit fresher after a bit of a rest, and some time to myself to get a few bits done. I feel more willing to face real life and it’s day to day niggles, rather than hiding from them like I did last week.

I’ve written before about the wonders of me-time, but I still struggle with the associated guilt and feel that I should be happy to be with my child all of the time and not want any time to myself. But, I do want time to myself, more than that, sometimes I need it and I need to try very hard to feel less guilty about it!

Do you feel guilty about taking me -time? How often do you manage to get a few minutes to yourself?


78 thoughts on “The Magic of Me Time

    • Ah bless you I’m very glad you got to have a well deserved lie in. Good to now I’m not the only one feeling guilty, but I wish we didn’t 🙂 xx

  1. I completely understand the need for “me time”. My husband was pretty amazing over the weekend, letting me have a lie in after a night of Arlo waking up and wanting to party! I try not to feel guilty, as we are both good at giving each other their own time, and also trying to make time for us.

    • Aww sounds like you have a good hubby there! We really do need it some times and it’s great that you guys are good at reciprocating and giving each other some time! xx

  2. Fab nails! Sounds like you had a lovely time hon, and as you said yourself it was needed after the events of late. I can’t say I’ve ever felt guilty about having me time, it happens so infrequently I just relish every minute 🙂

    • Thank you! Thought I may have gone overboard with the glitter, but why not, and it’s already chipping off! Thank you, I did need and it feel so much better now, which helps with lessening the guilt! xx

  3. My children are grown up but I still seem to spend a good part of everyday doing stuff for others lol. I cant moan as I could say no lol. Hope you get some me time this week

  4. Sounds like pure bliss but I really identified when you mention being a but torn nit wanting to miss out on a lovely family outing too. Having children does sometimes feel like we have given up ourselves and our identities but everyone deserves a break ( guiltfree!) I got to have an hour and a half’s afternoon nap after drugging myself with Night Nurse the night before yesterday so that was nice but what I wouldn’t give for some socialising that didn’t involve soft play!! X

    • Thanks, it was great and I really needed it but it does feel like I missed out. You can’t always do everything though as you ust end up frazzled! Love that you got a nap (courtesy of night nurse) sounds blissful! Ha ha soft play free socialising, I totally relate to that! 🙂 xx

  5. Loved the nails.

    I do take “me” time. Though I tend to feel guilty about it, I think it’s much needed to refresh our own life as a mum, wife and more importantly a multitasker! That helps get things better as well!


  6. So happy that you got some ME time hunny. It is so important. i don’t think mommies take enough of it. It’s hard to feel torn between family and ourselves. We all too often give up ourselves for them which is ok most of the time but always remember you deserve ME time too. Love the nails and glad you really enjoyed your time. Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me, I love reading your post each week. Your blog is amazing.

    • Thank you, that is a very lovely think to say Jenni! I did have a lovely time and I think you’re right, we’ll always feel the guilt but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try and enjoy the me time anyway! xx

  7. No. I never feel guilty about me time. We are more than just wives and mother’s and need time to recharge our batteries and just chill. Glad you had a nice time.

    Popping over from Magic Moments.

    • Thank you I think you’re right and it’s inevitable, but goo to try and enjoy it anyway as it does do us good! 🙂 xx

  8. I agree about little things becoming luxuries after becoming a mom! I don’t get a lot of ‘me time’ because the little guy won’t leave my side for long, but once he’s older, I would definitely like some 🙂 It’s a good thing you spent some time by yourself – sometimes, that’s all you need.

    • Oh I know what you mean, it has taken a lot of cultivating to get him to be happy without me but it is great sometimes to just have a break! Hope you get some me time too! xx

  9. Rest assured you are a normal Mum. I have written a post very similar to this, push away the guilt that is always there and enjoy your me time *cos you’re worth it*

    • I totally agree! Great that your hubby is so helpful too! Hubby tries but it’s just been difficult to find the time with so much going on lately! xx

  10. Me time is so important!
    I don’t have kids at the minute but do have a lot of uni work that takes up my time so a day off where I can just relax does wonders and usually makes me more productive

    • Oh absolutely, it feels odd to not to the work when you know there is so much to do, but you’re right a break can make you feel so much more productive than if you’d just tried to force yourself to slog through it! xx

  11. Time for yourself is essential, but no matter how many times you hear it, the guilt is still a little bit there. It sounds like your time was well spent and really refreshed you! Take some time for you again soon! 🙂 #allaboutyou

    • I think you’re right, it would be great not to feel guilty but I’m not sure that is realistic, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try and enjoy some me-time though! Thank you 🙂 xx

  12. I feel this week what you felt last week! I’m having a right mare at the mo. Life with two is so busy it’s driving me crackers! I am demanding the hub takes a day off work. Watches the kids and then I can have my gasp hair cut! What a treat. And maybe get some shellacs. God I can’t wait! #allaboutyou xxx

    • Ah bless you hon, I totally feel that, I did not have a good week last week and I only have one! You do a fab job and I hope you get some me time and get your mojo back. I got some and I am feeling much more like myself again! Enjoy it! xxx

  13. Ahh lucky you! If only I had a partner, Ive not had a single lie in since my son was born two years ago today!
    Make the most of it! Its not like you do it everyday, and it makes you happier and calmer, which in turn is good for the child!
    It also makes you miss them=absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that!

    • Aww well happy birthday to your little man! We never get lie ins either, body clocks too well tuned to the early mornings now, but I am lucky hubby helps out with Monkey, must be hard doing it on your own, it’s hard enough with a partner! You’re right though, it’s good for me too as I miss him 🙂 xx

  14. Ahhh, me time. When you get it, grab it with both hands! It’s a love hate relationship i share with my ‘me’ time. I hate leaving the bear, but love a bit of space too. I never really just relax when i do have it, i’m always ‘doing’ something-so if i could train myself to actually do nothing, that’d be marvellous! Lovely post xx

    • haha I can totally relate to that! It is so good for us so it is important, but not easy to get it without feeling guilty! xx

  15. So glad that you enjoyed some time to yourself Caroline. I think we mums get ourselves into this cycle of feeling that we can’t be away from our children. And yet happy mummy equals happy child, doesn’t it? I really must take my own advice on this once in a while ;). A really lovely post xx

    • Thank you, it is so hard, even though we know it is good for us and that it makes for a much happier time all round, it’s still not easy to actually do it, for fear of being a ‘bad mum’ or something! Thank you xx

  16. I feel terrible taking any me time, but always feel better for it when I do. My trouble is, I have to actually be away from the children to do it so it doesn’t happen often. If I’m at home, I get corralled into helping/refereeing/ etc. I do find some peace in the garden occasionally! I’m so glad you got a bit of time to re-charge your batteries. It’s such a full on job being a mum and it’s so important to have a break sometimes.

    • Oh I can totally understand that, out of sight makes it easier to be out of mind! Thank you it definitely made a difference, I felt like I was running on empty last week but am much fresher this week! xx

    • Thanks Mel, I really needed it, I had definitely lost my mojo, but feel so much better after a bit of a break! xx

  17. Does ME time include blogging?? In that case I have plenty but some of it is when I should be sleeping- there’s not enough hours in the day is there?!
    Glad you’re feeling a bit more energised. Hope you enjoyed your meal. x

    • Ha ha I’m not sure on that one as it can be very busy! There really is not enough hours in the day! Thank you, I did and am feeling much better this week! xx

    • Oh goodness it sounds like you need it and there’s nothing quite like a bath for relaxation is there! 🙂 xx

  18. Ah the elusive me-time. I think I get mine by going to work. That’s really sad, isn’t it? As long as I get two a week of the youngest’s naptimes to myself, I can pretty much cope. But strangely, now that I’m pregnant with our third, I find myself wanting to be around the kids more than less. Perhaps I am just preparing for the chaos ahead and the fact that me-time with three in tow is going to be even more elusive! Glad you enjoyed your me-day x

    • Oh I can kind of understand that, I have friends who say the same! Being with the kids is a different kind of work isn’t it? Wow, congratulations on your thirdd and I am sure you will be very busy so make the most of the time with 2 I think! xx

  19. Good for you! Yes I feel guilty and with 3 kids it doesn’t happen very often. But now I work from home and all children are out on a Friday I have to admit that I schedule an hour to do some yoga or something. It keeps me sane! Hope you’re having a better week!
    x x

    • Thank you, oh bless you, sounds like you do need that hour to keep sane. it can be so hard to take time for yourself but it is so important!

  20. Sounds like a great break and much needed & deserved. I’m totally consumed by guilt & very rarely get an hour or so, but if I’ve the house to myself, I just think of all the jobs I can get done loads faster if the kids aren’t there! Useless! Reading, though, that always tempts me to rest. What’s the Brooks trilogy? I’ve read a few of his and enjoyed them x

    • Thank you, I really needed it, feel so much better this week as a result! I know exactly what you mean, but the upside is that because I had a rest I have got loads more housework done this week (even with monkey around) because I have a lot more energy, so it does balance out. It was the armageddon’s children trilogy, love a bit of post-apocalyptic fiction 🙂 I love his word and the void trilogy too, need to read some of his other books, there are so many! xx

  21. It always feel guilty at me time! The reality is I love being with my son and sometimes I don’t realise how desperately I need to just be on my own.
    O is staying at nana’s tonight so I’ve had a bath in a silent house been to the pub with the husband and we’re now watching tele not worrying about the volume waking him up. Feels very strange, especially when you consider this was the norm for so many years!
    Fab post xx

    • I know exactly how you feel! The few times Monkey has stayed at the grandparents it feels so odd not having the doors closed and the volume down! Hope you had a lovely time xx

  22. Lucas says – Well, it does appear that you needed a rest and I think Monkey now deserves loads of Haribo for letting you have one.
    The Mother says – Lucas!!! ALL mother’s deserve a rest now and then…….. do you realise how exhausting you kids can be sometimes?
    Lucas says – Well, that’s fine Mother but the Haribo isn’t going to buy itself is it???

  23. So pleased you had some chill out time and got your mojo back. I’m quite lucky as I work shifts so every other week, once I’ve done the school run, I don’t have to be at work until 12 so get a couple of hours. Since doing this, I’ve noticed a huge difference. Love reading about you and Monkey so much xx #sharewithme

    • thank you that is very lovely! It’s amazing how just a little bit of time with your own thoughts can make such a huge difference! Glad you get to have a but of time sometimes too! xx

  24. I always feel a bit guilty having some ‘time off’ but it is essential I think to have that time. My mum has the girls overnight once every couple of months, my husband and I get takeaway, watch a film and get a lie in together then she doesn’t bring them back until teatime so I get a whole day to myself or with hubby, I look forward to it!!

    • Wow, that sounds amazing, I read this out to hubby and he was a little in awe! I hope you enjoy every minute of it!! xx

Thanks for taking the time to write something. I love comments and read every one xx

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