Sadly not the most positive or exciting words to describe the week but the word that best sums up our week is tired. I guess being 6 1/2 months pregnant and running around after a 2 year old it is slightly inevitable!
We had a fantastic weekend with friends which left me feeling happy but shattered! My parents helped with Monkey on Monday as usual which really helped (though I will admit I was still tired and irritable!). Tuesday Monkey actually spent some time with Daddy in in the office as I had a variety of pregnancy related appointments including blood tests, my whooping cough jab and seeing the midwife. It turned out that the midwife was running over 20 minutes behind too so I was hugely grateful not to have to entertain Monkey in the waiting room the whole time!
After a lovely relaxing aquayoga session on Wednesday evening I was actually feeling a bit better (though still tired annoyingly) on Thursday morning. Then my mum called to give some news and I excitedly jumped up and ran to hubby to tell him before he left for work. Which at 6 1/2 months pregnant is not the best idea. Honestly that’s the 2nd time in a week I have somehow forgotten I am pregnant, bizarre! How do you forget you are pregnant when you have a huge bump and a painful pelvis?? Anyway it was a mistake as I have pulled a muscle in my side and am really sore now :(.
I didn’t think too much of it initially and Monkey and I went plum picking with friends, but as the day has gone on it has got sorer and sorer and I am sad to say I have got more and more irritable along with it. My fuse has been short and I have to take a lot of deep breaths to stop myself telling Monkey off for nothing really. He hasn’t been badly behaved but little things I am not normally bothered by are suddenly so irritating when I am tired and hugely uncomfortable! Anyone else ever feel like that?
I am now lying down and plan to stay this way all evening before having an early night. Fingers crossed I will be feeling a bit better tomorrow and less tired as we have a lot going on again this weekend!
How has your week been?
I used to forget about my bump and turn sideways to fit through gaps but I was wider that way!
haha glad I am not the only one, hubby is so confused that i could possibly forget lol! xx
Oh lovely I’m sending you a massive hug! Pregnant tiredness is in a league of its own. Bone crushing exhaustion like no other! Take it easy my dear xxx #WotW
Thanks hon, we have a wedding to go to next week and then we have pretty much no plans till baby comes so things should wind down a little soon! xx
There is definitely no tiredness like being pregnant especially when you have other children to look after, sending hugs #WotW
thank you, that is certainly very true! xx
Aww! Hugs to you! I hope you get some rest!
Take care x
Thank you I am feeling a bit more rested now 🙂 xx
Oh yes, tiredness can get you like that. I definitely felt more tired with Little Man’s pregnancy, having Boo to run around after, too. And yes, when I’m tired and in pain or ill, my fuse is definitely shorter, so then I add my bad temper, topped off with a nice does of guilt to the pile of things getting me down! Hope you feel brighter soon and the pain eases off x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
It’s horrible isn’t it? When the rational portion of your brain is telling you it’s not that bad, but you are so tired and everything feels worse than it is! The guilt definitely doesn’t help either you’re right! I am feeling a bit better now thankfully! xx
Oh that sounds tough – I hope your poorly muscle sorts itself out soon – and I do know what you mean about forgetting you’re pregnant – even now I instinctively do something I should be able to do and then realise that I can’t (usually fitting into small gaps or picking things up off the floor!)
Oh I am glad it’s not just me, friends and family have been treating me like I am bonkers for forgetting but it is so easy to just think you are ‘normal’ and try to do normal things! Thank you and thankfully my muscle is a lot better now, phew! xx
I think we all have those weeks where we feel zombified. Really hope you’ve been able to rest up! x
Thanks lovely, it definitely hits us all sometimes! xx
Tired is often my word of the week! No wonder you are though – if your two year old is anything like mine, that’s more than enough energy being used up already before even considering the other one you’re carrying! Hope you feel better soon. 🙂
haha I know what you mena, tired could probably be he word of the week every week at the moment! Thank you 🙂 xx
Hope you’ve managed to catch up on some rest this week x
Thanks Sara 🙂 xx