Welcome to the world…

So after a slightly dramatic turn up for the books, we are proud to introduce the newest member of our family to the world!   For her own privacy, as with Monkey, her real name will be kept off the blog and she will hereafter be know as Little Miss. Its been eventful but we are so pleased she is here safe and sound in our arms. Now the real hard work and adventures begin!!

She was born at 3:23pm and weighs 7 lbs 8 oz 🙂






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51 thoughts on “Welcome to the world…

  1. Congrats again my lovely, you must be so pleased she’s finally here. Hope all is continuing to go well. I found days 5-7 quite tricky with all three as the milk properly came in and exhaustion caught up. Be kind and patient with yourself. Huge hugs xxx #magicmoments

    • Thank you lovely, we have been doing pretty well, my milk came in and seems to be settling down, but I am feeling a bit of a hormone crash this morning all of a sudden, def time to try and be petient with myself! xx

  2. Welcome to the world Little Miss. I hope you are doing OK over there, I have been told it takes 6 months to get into the swing of things. We are on month four and I still have no idea where anything is in the house lol x

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