Mobile Madhouse Review – Nokia 925 Phone Case

The lovely people at Mobile Madhouse have sent me a gorgeous phone case to review.

My phone comes everywhere with me, it is my camera as much as my phone these days and it lives in my pocket. My last phone seemed to be almost indestructible and survived many many drops and bangs. My newer phone, the Nokia 925, is a much better phone, and camera, but within weeks of getting it, it was scratched and chipped, so a phone case is definitely a good idea!


My poor chipped phone!


I chose a lovely purple case. The Purple, Hard, Hybrid case to be precise! They sell lots of different types of cases, ones that double as wallets, but because my phone lives in my pocket I wanted one that added the least bulk to the phone.


It is a bit bulkier than before but it still fits in my jeans pockets nicely, which is great! It comes with a screen protector but I didn’t use this as hubby bought a nifty gel screen protector for my phone at Christmas which is invisible but has been working brilliantly!

I love the colour though and it is very easy to fit, it just snaps onto the phone and looks great 🙂

I’ve waited a few weeks to write this review as I wanted to give it a good test run, and ooh it has had a good test run! It is looking a bit worse for wear now, with lots of scratches and chips and, after a particularly nasty drop a corner broke off the case! 🙁

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The GOOD thing about this, is that it’s the case that broke, not the phone. The phone is not looking any worse off which means that the case did it’s job perfectly, well worth the £3.90 it costs to buy one!

So this phone case, even though it now looks a bit battered and worn, gets a big thumbs up from me and I will definitely buy a replacement for it!

Mobile Madhouse has phone cases for all sorts of phones so it’s worth a look as they are great value 🙂

We're going on an adventure

25 thoughts on “Mobile Madhouse Review – Nokia 925 Phone Case

  1. the colour is great my phone looks a bit like that but its more down to pocket raiders in the form of my boys that run off and drop it! the case looks like its doing well though! #triedtested

  2. I desperately need to get a case for my phone, I’ve just got a new one with a big screen and I’m paranoid that I’m going to smash it! Have to take a look at these ones #TriedTested

    • Oh no! I have this stuff called crystalusion on the screen too, which is like a screen protector and in theory protects it from getting smashed. I’ve never. touch wood, managed to smash a screen yet, though my brother’s phone always seems to have a smashed screen. I just hope cases like this one help in some small way as I’s be lost without my phone! xx

    • Ha ha definitely! I’m very grateful to this case as it has definitely saved my phone a few times! Glad it’s not just mine that ends up damaged! xx

    • Hmm it’s difficult as you never know how different phones can cope with drops – cases like this are a must with this phone! xx

    • it’s nice to have a bit of colour isn’t it – I looked at getting a coloured phone initially but that seemed like quite a commitment, whereas this way I can just pop the case off if i get bored of the colour! xx

  3. Great case! Phone cases are a great way to personalise your phone and reflect your individuality. Bright colours like these are a fun addition to styling your phone. Of course, like this one, it also serves a very practical and important function in protecting your phone. It’s important to have a barrier for your phone if it drops.

Thanks for taking the time to write something. I love comments and read every one xx

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