Siblings January 2016

Parenting 2 kids can be a lot of hard work, there is no doubt about it. But one of the best things about parenting 2 kids is watching them grow and develop together. I love watching my two have fun together, yes they annoy each other and bicker and snatch toys from each other but on the whole they get on brilliantly and I couldn’t ask for more. Monkey especially is so good and tolerant of his baby sister thank goodness and it is lovely seeing them together. So without further ado here are a few shots of my gorgeous pair over the last month.


LM is screaing with joy here I promise!


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dear beautiful

8 thoughts on “Siblings January 2016

  1. Oh you really did get some lovely photos of them! Well done. Also, I’m so in love with your house! That blue wall with the photos on… it’s just perfect! xx

  2. Gorgeous photos of Monkey and LM – you can see how much fun they are having together. Love the first one and the ones where they’re both playing in the cardboard boxes 🙂

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