The Theme Game – Glass

I am loving the theme for The Theme Game this week, it’s all about glass.

My immediate thoughts are about reflections. I love reflections, particularly on water. Here a couple of my favourite pictures of reflections, with a few I took while travelling…




…and a couple that I took last week.  I love reflections, even in muddy puddles!

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A reflection I like less is the reflection of me – some days. Some days I don’t mind what I see in the mirror, others I like it a lot less and turn away (often depending on how much make up I have put on or if I have done my hair!). Some days I think that the reflection in the mirror is ok, and then I see a reflection of myself elsewhere and I recoil. I can look in a mirror and be semi-satisfied – but then see myself through the lens of the camera in a photograph taken by a friend and wonder who that person is. Is that how people see me? Do I really see myself so differently to how others see me?


Other times it is reversed and I hate what is in the mirror, yet a photo of me surprises me in a positive way. Which is true or is neither true? Glass not only reflects but it can distort depending on the angle you take.

Glass also provides transparency. A way to look inside, so on that note I will end with a little window into my world and a few things you may not have known about me.

1. I studied Television Production at university and actually worked as a TV Producer for a short while, I decided to change career for many reasons…. and many times I have doubted that it was the right thing to do, but I am happy where I am now so overall no regrets.

2. I travelled the world solo for a year.  In 12 months I visited 19 countries, flew on 19 flights and slept in 189 different beds. It was busy but amazing and I made some of the best friends of my life.

3. While travelling I did a skydive, a bungee jump and a canyon swing. It’s bizarre that I now get heart palpitations at the thought of messy play!



What does ‘glass’ make you think of?

Linking up with The Theme Game, and as this post is all about me I am linking up with the lovely ladies of All About You

The Reading Residence

A Big Bus Adventure to the Library

Monkey loves buses. He seriously LOVES buses. We have loads of toy buses and he gets massively excited whenever he sees a bus. It could be a real bus – which he will shout and point and clap and wave to – or a bus in a book or on the TV, which again he will shout and point and clap and wave to. Bless him it is very cute.

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We don’t go on buses very often mainly because in our area to get anywhere by bus takes at least 3 times as long and is way more expensive than going by car. He has been on buses before – but not since our holiday in the summer. I have been meaning to take him on a bus for a while but we are generally pretty busy and I’ve just not got round to it.

On a no-plans Thursday however I decided it was time for our Big Bus Adventure. I didn’t want to take him too far and the local library is on the bus route, and I vaguely remembered they do a story time on Thursday Mornings so I thought it would be nice to combine the two. The library is actually about 2-3 mins away in the car, maybe 5 mins by bus (plus all the waiting time either end) but it cost us £2.40 to get there and back. At adult walking speed it only takes about 15 mins to walk… so you can see why we don’t get the bus very often!!

But it was a treat for Monkey and he was very excited when the bus came to the stop, and gave a big clap as it came up.

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He sat very seriously all the way there and I was explaining that it stops to let people on/off etc.


The library wasn’t open when we got there  so even though it was freezing cold we had a little play outside first.

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We had a lovely time at the library – he goes with Nanny and Grandpops to a rhyme time session most weeks but it was the first time we had been to Story Time, and they read one of his favourite Spot books which was lovely and he really enjoyed it. We had a look at some of the many lovely books they have there, but bless him he just kept getting excited to see some of the books we have at home. No matter how I tried to get him interested in other books he was obsessed by Dear Zoo and Dear Santa! Bless him! I did manage to tear him away from his faves though and we checked out a couple of other books on his library card to bring home with us.

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There was more excitement for the bus journey home and it takes a slightly longer loop home so we got a few more pics of him enjoying the ride! 🙂

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And that was the end of our big bus adventure, bye bye bus! 🙂



The Reading Residence

Word of the Week? Happy #wotw

Yes, it has been a wet and miserable week weather wise.

Yes, I have been really tired this week and we have been busy as usual… but the best word for our week has been:


It started off well, with some me time on Saturday, then on Sunday we had a very lovely family day out.

We’ve managed to have quite a lot of fun this week too, happy mealtimes (more on that coming soon to a blog post near you) and a little adventure which you will hear more about in a few days. Here’s a few pictures to give you a glimpse at our happy week.

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The Reading Residence

A Blank Page #TheThemeGame

The Theme for this week’s The Theme Game by The Reading Residence and Redpeffer is ‘White’.

I thought of lots of things for White – Snowdrops, White walls, Weddings and then I thought of a fresh White Page (or screen in terms of internet blogging). It made me think of sitting down with my laptop, staring at the white page and working out what to write. As a kid I used to write stories all the time and there was something really exciting about starting with a blank page. Looking at it at wondering where it would take you – what adventure it would lead you on. Sadly my imagination isn’t quite what it used to be!

blank page screenshot

I’ve thought about writing stories again like I did as a kid, but somehow never know what to write. It’s not because I don’t have any ideas – I sometimes feel like I have so many ideas that they are spilling out of my brain. The ideas come at inopportune moments and then seem to drift out again and I can’t remember what was so exciting about that idea or what the plot was going to be. When it comes to my blog I have so many drafts of posts with just a headline or an idea hastily typed in to be filled out and written properly at a later date… but many of them never get that far.

drafts list

Time is one reason. Being a SAHM I only have so much time I can dedicate to writing my blog, and even then I sometimes feel guilty for using that time for blogging when there is so much else that needs doing. Since branching out with my blog at the beginning of the year I have discovered a wonderful blogging community and so many wonderful linkys and blog-hops to join in with, with some wonderful themes and ideas behind them and I love to join in as much as I can. But sometimes I have to stop myself – because I don’t have to time to write that many posts in a week.

I also have to think about relevance. I started this blog as a way of charting my journey through motherhood – and particularly coming to terms with becoming a SAHM. So it’s about the day to day life as a SAHM, food, playing, me-time, housework, crafts etc. Of course this is quite a wide arena anyway but sometimes the things I want to write about just don’t feel relevant to the original focus of this blog. But does it matter?


Maybe I use relevance as a way of managing the fact that I don’t have enough time to write everything that I want to. Because I don’t have time to write everything, I want to try and aim for the posts I do write to be relevant to my original aims – and let’s face it – relevant to the lovely readers of my blog. Because it’s not all about me. I try not to worry too much about my page views but I love to see that people are reading, and I love it even more when people comment as I feel that then they must have connected to my post in some way. Which I guess is what it is all about.

Quality rather than quantity maybe?

So I will try and get some of those draft posts finished… but others I think will stay as they are – just drafts! Ideas not quite fully formed.

How does a blank page make you feel? Do you have lots of ideas? Or do you struggle to find inspiration for what to write?

The Reading Residence

The importance of Mummy Me Time – BASAHM Survival Kit

The next instalment of my Becoming a SAHM Survival Kit is all about me-time, or you-time 🙂 I’ve mentioned it in some of the other posts in the series already but it is so important that I think it deserves a post of it’s own.

WP_20140128_15_52_15_ProLife as a SAHM is busy! I’m not saying working mums are less busy (surely you must be more busy?) or need downtime any less then SAHM’s though I guess it does depend what your job is and how much you enjoy it. But what I am saying is that when every day of your life involves wiping bums, cooking, cleaning, playing, walking, trying to teach your little ones all while being clambered over, clung too, pulled around, screamed at, and cried on, etc. it can feel like a lot of hard work. You don’t really have any personal space, be it physically or emotionally.

Even when the grandparents look after Monkey for the odd hour during the week I spend the whole time cleaning, then Monkey’s nap times are spent cooking, doing a bit more cleaning and I squeeze in blogging and tweeting where I can. I do sometimes just sit in front of the TV during nap times too, I’m not ashamed to admit it, some days I am too knackered by the afternoon nap to do anything other than rest before the onslaught of the rest of the afternoon!

After a while of no  time to just be me, to do what I want, I get steadily grumpier, bicker more with my husband, and sex, well, it doesn’t happen because I just want some personal space. That’s not to say I don’t love being a SAHM, of course I do otherwise I wouldn’t be doing it. It is just wearing to put your needs last all the time.


I am very lucky with my hubby, he’s happy to look after Monkey on his own sometimes, he is very understanding of how hard it can be as a SAHM and is very supportive of me needing a break occasionally. Even then though I often find weeks go by without me feeling like I have had any kind of break because I feel guilty. Weekends are family time so I feel we should make the most of Daddy being home so we can do things together. Likewise evenings are our grown up time so we spend it together rather than me going off to read a book or have a bath.  I feel guilty for wasting time that could be spent together. I forget that spending time on myself isn’t a waste – it’s a necessity!

Last weekend hubby gave me some time off (haha that sounds like he’s my boss, but he offered to look after Monkey on his own for the day so I could have a break), I had crazy bad PMT because I have come off the pill and I NEEDED some time alone. I didn’t do much, just had a long hot bath, wandered round some shops (which let’s face it you can’t really do with a toddler in tow), made a vegetable soup for the first time ever, and sat and read my book. It was lovely. Monkey and daddy had a lovely day together so we were smiles all round. That week, even though the PMT was still there a bit and I was on a short fuse, I was generally much happier than previously, and feeling much more romantic with my hubby.

WP_20140201_17_31_58_ProThis weekend was one of my best friends’ birthdays and she was planning some drinks in London. Hubby and Monkey were invited too and we did plan to all go, then I asked hubby if he minded me going alone. We could have managed to keep Monkey entertained for the afternoon but it would have taken a lot of effort and honestly, all I wanted was to sit and relax for the afternoon and drink and chat with my friends. Hubby had no problem with this and so off I went. It was such a lovely relaxed afternoon and I enjoyed myself so much more with not being climbed over, drooled on etc. No distractions and I felt like I could just be me for a few hours.

The result is that I come home happy and rejuvenated  and ready to face another week of being the primary caregiver and living a life centred around Monkey’s needs rather than my own.

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So, if you are like me and put your own needs last all the time – Stop. Just for an hour or so. Talk to your partner or a helpful relative and take some time for yourself. Read a book or a Magazine if you prefer. Don’t think about what jobs need doing or what your child is up to. Think about yourself for once, paint your nails, do your hair, go for a walk, take a bath. Just do something that you used to take for granted before you became a mum. You’ll be amazed how refreshed you can feel after just a short break.

If your partner needs some convincing about you taking some time off, remind that it helps them in the long run too 😉 !

If you enjoyed this post, why not have a look at the other posts in the Survival Kit, Perspective, Resilience, Creativity and Confidence.


Word of the Week – Creative

This is the first time linking up to The Word of the Week over at The Reading Residence. I’ve thought about joining in a few times but struggled to find one word that categorises our busy weeks – other than busy I guess haha.

Anyway, this week, one word has been on my mind a lot so I thought I would share it.


I started off this week thinking about how you have to be creative as a parent. Creating magical worlds for your children, creating diversions, creating activities for them.

I have also challenged myself to be more Creative with Monkey, to allow him to be more creative.


This led to the idea of starting my very own link up – The Creative Challenge – to see if anyone else would like to challenge themselves to be more creative. To do this I had to be creative with my blog and find out how on earth to do a link and how to create a badge, and all sorts.

Creative Challenge


So there we have it – my word of the week is Creative. If you would like to join in the Creative Challenge – please click here to find out more!

The Reading Residence

Monkey doesn’t wear jumpers!

This week’s The Prompt immediately reminded me of when Monkey was a tiny baby and it has led me to thinking a lot about those days.

The Prompt, if you don’t already know, is a linky hosted by Mum Turned Mom, and this week’s prompt is the following quote:

Sweater, n. Garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly. Ambrose Bierce

9 days oldThis quote reminded me of what we were told by health visitors and midwives about dressing our Newborn Monkey. They said he should wear a vest – which we should count as his skin, then he should wear the same number of layers as us, plus an extra layer. So if I was wearing a t-shirt, he should wear a vest, a t-shirt, and then another layer. If I was wearing a tshirt and a jumper, Monkey should wear 4 layers. You get the idea.

In reality, we soon realised that for Monkey, this was completely wrong. I know it’s just a rule of thumb and that it is probably perfectly accurate for a lot of babies, but for Monkey this was waaaaay too many layers. He was one warm baby! Still is in truth.



In summers, especially the first summer when he was born, he was basically in nappies most of the time, slept with a fan in his room and actually his favourite thing on a hot day was to be positioned in front of a fan (at a safe distance) to get a nice breeze, he has always loved feeling the wind in his face!



Just found this cute clip of Monkey very much enjoying lying in front of the fan 🙂

Occasionally we have forgotten what a hot baby he is … with disastrous results.

For example, his first Christmas, we bought him a really cute fleecy baby-grow for him to sleep in with the idea that he would look really cute on Christmas morning. We forgot how warm he is naturally and oh. dear. lord. He went to bed fine, then about an hour and a half later he was screaming, we went upstairs and he was on fire, just completely overheating (cue us feeling like the worst parents in the world) so we had to strip him down to his nappy and basically held him up in front of the open window (and it was cold!) to cool him down. Thankfully this worked and he slept fine for the rest of the night in one of his normal baby-grows. But that pretty much put paid to our relaxed Christmas Eve! He still looked cute on Christmas morning though and we will never make that mistake again!


So, honestly, Monkey hardly ever wears sweaters (or Jumpers) because I know he would completely overheat in one. I can be really chilly and in a big jumper with a t-shirt under and he’ll be in two thin layers, perfectly happy. He is in a sleepy bag at the moment but he is still in the summer Tog one, we have bought a lovely winter one but it seems so thick and it just hasn’t been cold enough for him to wear it.

I really like the quote, but for us it is very much untrue!

mummy mishaps

Time for a big boy bed?

We have been doing a lot of thinking lately about when the time is right to put Monkey in a big boy bed, how best to do it, and how will it go?

It’s difficult to know when is the right age to do this. He loves is cot and so we’d be happy keeping him in there longer, and he never tries to climb out of it. But he is very tall for his age, so his cot is starting to get a bit small for him and he bangs the sides all the time. Also, because we are thinking about baby no 2, we don’t want him to feel he is being pushed out of his cot to make way for the baby and so would rather he is well and truly happy in his bed before baby needs to use the cot. Seeing as I’m not even preggo yet I know we have a while, so we aren’t rushing into it, but it is on our minds a lot at the moment.


We started looking around at toddler beds and to start with we weren’t really sure which way to go, some have no side bits, some have short side bits near the head, while others have really tall sides until about 1/2 way along. So which one to go for? Like I say he bangs on the sides of his cot so does that mean he is likely to fall out of his bed to start with? Should we get one with a guard or just put something soft on the floor in case he falls out?

We decided the best thing was to physically go and see some beds so off we trotted to the shops to have a look and get a feel for them. It was good for Monkey too as he was climbing on one and we played getting in and out of the bed while we were there as we thought that may help him feel involved in the decision. There was a sale on and a further 15% off so we decided to go for it and got a lovely toddler bed, with a short side at the head, and mattress for £80 :).


There is still a lot we are unsure of though. He’s been in sleepy bags since he was tiny and any blanket that goes in with him gets snuggled with rather than used as a cover, so we are unsure how he will get on with a duvet. He’s never had a pillow either so I think we are going to go for the thinnest possible pillow, at least to start with! We are going to take him to have a look at bedding with us so he can help choose it. I understand that helps make the transition as it gets them excited about it?? I wonder whether it is worth making the change from sleep bag to duvet while still in his cot, so when he does go in his bed it isn’t such a big change? Plus the sleepy bags are almost too small for him now, even the biggest size. I just worry about him getting cold…


The main thing we are unsure of though is the when and how. Do we literally do a straight swap and take down his cot and build the new bed at the same time, with no crossover, or do we try and have both bed and cot in there for a day or two so he can get used to the idea of the bed? Would that ease the transition or make things worse? And when is best to start, at nap time or bedtime?

Are we just over-thinking all of this (it wouldn’t be the first time!) Should we just get over ourselves and do it? I always worry when it comes to changing Monkey’s routines but he usually surprises me by taking it all in his stride.

There are some other things to prepare too – we need to secure his furniture to the wall and make sure everything is safe in there – when he will be able to get out of bed on his own we need to make sure he can’t hurt himself in his bedroom when we are still asleep. We will have to actually close the stairgate at night too!

We are also preparing for the possibility of unhappiness as he loves his his cot and is so good at bedtime. He regularly takes us upstairs when he wants to go for a nap in the afternoon. Is he going to do the same with a bed? Because he can get out of it is he suddenly going to come into our bed at night of he wakes up?

I guess we are preparing for the worst, so hopefully it can only be better than we think! Ha ha maybe…

Will keep you updated on our progress 🙂

What age did your little one go into a bed? Did you do it in one go or have both bed and cot in there to start with? How did they get on with it?

Happiness to me #spreadalittlehappiness


What makes me happy? My little boy, growing up, makes me so happy and so proud.


We seem (fingers crossed, touch wood) to have turned a corner with food. He’s not eating pasta yet but he is being a bit more adventurous and is eating sweet potato and baked beans again, which he had been refusing. He also ate some yummy soup for the first time on Thursday. This makes me happy. He loves feeding himself with a spoon too, which makes both he and I happy! 🙂


He’s also been really brave and been trying new things. It may sound daft but for as long as I can remember he has hated being in a ball pool, but on Friday, he wanted to go in the ball pool and loved it! Made me so proud and happy.


In the same vein, he has never been a child to go in a ride-on car, or sit on/in anything you move with your feet, he always kicks his legs massively if you tried to put him in/on one, he just hates it. Not sure if he felt too confined or what. But this week, for the first time in a long time, he sat inside a car for ages and tried to figure out how to make it go. That made me really happy.


Being a parent is the hardest thing I’ve ever done but watching him grow up is the most rewarding thing I’ve ever experienced. People always say that, but I didn’t feel it when he was younger, now though I am truly starting to appreciate how rewarding being a mummy can be.

What else makes me happy? Toddler giggles! It is just the best sound in the world to me!


Ethans Escapades


Family Photo Friday – One of Monkey’s Uncles :)

Family Photo Friday time again and this week we have one of Monkey’s Uncles. Never realised before now how funny that sounds!

Monkey loves his uncles very much and this is my little bro 🙂 Playing with some play-doh and the letter & number cutters my older brother and sister-in-law bought him for Christmas

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Apologies for the poor quality was playing with my camera on my phone.

Family Photo Friday @ Thursday's Child, Friday's Thoughts